One who steals from the pocket of a passerby, usually by sleight of hand.
To pick pockets; to steal.
These days, your cash isn't necessarily the most attractive possession for a pickpocket.
I still think the best way to get money is to pickpocket anyone you encounter in the game.
You, too can learn how to be a master pickpocket entertainer!
As retail stores become busier, the chance to hide merchandise and pickpocket is easier.
A professional pickpocket walked along with some of these pilgrims.
The medicine is so simple in application and so easily available that it is served out almost automatically and indifferently, to every law-breaker; the pickpocket and the burglar are locked up next door to the clergyman at variance with his bishop; the weak-kneed and self-indulgent drunkard rubs shoulders with the political zealot who has endangered the peace of nations.
There is hardly in Robinson Crusoe a scene equal, and there is consequently not in English literature a scene superior, to that where the youthful pickpocket first exercises his trade, and then for a time loses his ill-gotten gains.