An impudent person.
To behave with pertness.
(of a person) Attractive.
(of a part of the body) Well-formed, shapely.
pert breasts
Lively; alert and cheerful; bright.
(especially of children or social inferiors) Cheeky, impertinent.
Open; evident; unhidden; apert.
Shadows played across the delicate, pert features.
The voluptuous brunette was pert and sophisticated.
Henry Thrale, one of the most opulent brewers in the kingdom, a man .of sound and cultivated understanding, rigid principles, and liberal spirit, was married to one of those clever, kind-hearted, engaging, vain, pert young women who are perpetually doing or saying what is not exactly right, but who, do or say what they may, are always agreeable.
Polo shirts are always a popular item because they can be made to look both dressy or casual, though they almost always look neat due to their pert little collar.
Many people would pay to see me kick Micha's stupid pert buttocks.
Flo is overjoyed when she finds Donna at home, thinking her daughter has returned to her ' wonderfully pert bosom ' .
On the next stop Edmundo singled out a very attractive young girl, with a very pert derrière trying to find a seat.
These tattoos usually revealed bare, pert breasts that often symbolized the lust and desire the wearer had for women in general.
I'm pert near twenty-one.