Seeming to never end; endlessly; constantly.
The grounds for the music hall were given by the city and are perpetually exempt from taxation.
For the first seven years of his reign Akbar was perpetually engaged in warfare.
The Moa or Makona river is a fine stream of considerable volume, but its course is perpetually interrupted by rocks and rapids.
His dark eyebrows were singularly flexible, and they perpetually expanded and contracted in harmony with what he was saying.
His face had a sinister, troubled expression; but an enigmatical smile played perpetually around his lips.
I feel that I have betrayed myself perpetually -- so unguarded in speaking of my partiality for the church !
That year also saw British administration extended to the Berars, or the assigned districts which the nizam of Hyderabad was induced to cede as a territorial guarantee for the subsidies which he perpetually kept in arrear.
It's perpetually adored by its devoted fans whose imaginations are fueled by the pages of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
Paris is the city of love, and who better to design lingerie than people who are perpetually in love?
Consequently, during the whole period of medievalism, the number of pilgrims was, perpetually on the increase.
There is .an enormous mass of so-called crime in England which is not crime at all, and still is perpetually penalized by an infliction of imprisonment for such short periods as to be perfectly futile.
They rise early, and after having performed their prayers and ablutions dress themselves in a new suit of clothes, and sally forth to the "fire-temples," to worship the emblem of their divinity, the sacred fire, which is perpetually burning on the altar.
From these fragments we learn that the beginning or first principle (apxii, a word which, it is said, he was the first to use) was an endless, unlimited mass (i.irecpov), subject to neither old age nor decay, and perpetually yielding fresh materials for the series of beings which issued from it.
This prevents indeed any continuity of policy, for the majority in congress is perpetually fluctuating, and ministerial crises rapidly follow one another.
Moreover, the promotion of Greek civilization and city life had created numerous local centres, with separate interests and centrifugal tendencies, struggling to attain complete independence, and perpetually forcing new concessions from the empire.
Armenia the Sassanids were all the more eager to regain, since there the Arsacid dynasty still survived and turned for protection to Rome, with whom, in consequence, new wars perpetually broke out.
His prudence, however, perpetually postponed the occasion, and Walachia enjoyed peace to his death in 1688.
Inland, the intruding barons and the Irish chiefs fought perpetually, with varying fortunes.
The estates had interfered perpetually in all the details of governance, by means of the power of the purse.
Small wonder, then, if Adam of Bremen, and the monkish annalists who follow him, describe Sweyn as a grim and bloody semi-pagan, perpetually warring against Christian states.
Aquitaine bordered upon Mussulman Spain; the Avars of Hungary threatened Bavaria with their tireless horsemen; beyond the Elbe and the Saul the Slays were perpetually at war with the Saxons, and to the north of the Eider were the Danes.
The young girl was perfect at the job, not only thorough but perpetually happy to be doing even the most boring chore.
A fortnight with what seemed no sleep and a perpetually bruised hip drove me to buy one.
Although always imminent, the arrival of the information society must be perpetually postponed.
The only realistic value is the rent, what a willing lessee will pay a willing lessor for a perpetually renewable annual lease.
I feel that I have betrayed myself perpetually -- so unguarded in speaking of my partiality for the church!
Yet he was too full of dramatic inspiration to remain perpetually victimized by the conscientious affectations of the amateur author; and, where dramatic situations are not only poetical but (as in the first act of Die Walkilre and the Waldweben scene in Siegfried) too elemental for strained language, Wagner is often supremely eloquent simply because he has no occasion to try to write poetry.
The Hawaiian shirt is not exactly a "seasonless" garment, and is really only appropriate to wear during spring and especially during summer - unless you happen to live in a perpetually warm climate.
We can but hope his view on retirement is similar to that of the perpetually retiring Rolling Stones.
As a single man, he is perpetually unemployed, much to his parents' chagrin.
If early " enthusiasm " conceived the Christian as almost entirely free from acts of sin, and if Protestant Paulinism conceives the child of God as justified by faith once for all, the full Catholic theory, representing one development of Augustinianism, views the Christian as an invalid, perpetually dependent on the good offices of the Church.
Not only were they thus " ignorant," but they were also perpetually inconsistent with themselves in dealing with particular instances.
He was a man of vast physical energy, of inexhaustible mental activity, of quick passions and violent appetites; vain, restless, greedy of gold and pleasure and fame; unable to stay quiet in one place, and perpetually engaged in quarrels with his compeers.
The aim of the work was to reform Protestant theology by means of the fundamental ideas of the Reden, to put an end to the unreason and superficiality of both supernaturalism and rationalism, and to deliver religion and theology from a relation of dependence on perpetually changing systems of philosophy.
Above Agram the Save is used chiefly for floating rafts of timber; east of Sissek it is navigable by small steamboats, but, despite its great volume, the multitude of its perpetually shifting sandbanks interferes greatly with traffic. Steamers also ply on the Una, the Drave below Barcs, and the Danube.
There was, however, but little difference yet between a count of Flanders or of Chartres and Louis VI., the possessor of a but small and perpetually disturbed realm, who was praised by his minister, the monk Suger, for making his power felt as far as distant Bern!
Everywhere - on the balustrades closing the chapels, round the base of the pilasters, along the walls, beneath the cornice of both the exterior and the interior of the church - there is one ornament that is perpetually repeated, the interwoven initials of Sigismondo and Isotta.
Sprouts are notoriously difficult to grow organically in conventional farming they are perpetually sprayed from all sides and must be very noxious.
In his perpetually altering state, he constantly changes, thereby shirking fixity and retaining vivacity.
The first and most famous of these rulers was Gabriel Bethlen (q.v.), who reigned from 1613 to 1629, perpetually thwarted all the efforts of the emperor to oppress or circumvent his Hungarian subjects, and won some reputation abroad by adroitly pretending to champion the Protestant cause.
It is difficult to form a clear idea of this, first, because his influence was perpetually traversed by opposite tendencies; in the second place, because the force of circumstances compelled him, again and again, to shift his standpoint; and finally because personal considerations largely intermingled with his foreign policy, and made it more elusive and ambiguous than it need have been.
About his paper, the incarnation of himself, the first thing to be said is that the man always meant what he said; no poverty, no misery or persecution, could keep him quiet; he was perpetually crying, "Nous sommes trahis."
From him he learned that amid the rocks was a chasm communicating with purgatory, from which rose perpetually the groans of tortured souls, the hermit asserting that he had also heard the demons complaining of the efficacy of the prayers of the faithful, and especially of the monks of Cluny, in rescuing their victims. On returning home the pilgrim hastened to inform the abbot of Cluny, who forthwith set apart the 2nd of November as a day of intercession on the part of his community for all the souls in purgatory.
The fact that, in practice, the judgments even of connoisseurs are perpetually at variance, and that the so-called criteria of one place or period are more or less opposed to those of all others, is explained away by the hypothesis that individuals are differently gifted in respect of the capacity to appreciate.
Christian Fortitude is essentially firmness in withstanding the seductions of good and evil fortune, resoluteness in the conflict perpetually waged against wickedness without carnal weapons - though Ambrose, with the Old Testament in his hand, will not quite relinquish the ordinary martial application of the term.
This type of financial obligation is generally regarded as one of the most toxic debts because interest is perpetually charged on balances that are not secured by anything gaining value or appreciating.
Things get trickier if you have a child that seems to perpetually be between sizes, or if your child is just smaller, larger, taller or wider than the standard sizing model.
If you're perpetually shy or unwilling to sell a product or service, then network marketing probably isn't for you.
Introduced to fans in season nine, guitar-playing Jenna Middleton (played by Jessica Tyler) turns out to be a perpetually shiny light in the otherwise gloomy corridors of Degrassi.
Velvet and faux fir are perpetually popular for Christmas lingerie sets.