To be guilty of, or responsible for a crime etc; to commit.
Meanwhile, Brian ponders perpetrating a little deception of his own, much to David's disquiet.
He had been more set on exacting tribute than on perpetrating wanton massacres.
In 1884 the firm became bankrupt, and it was discovered that two of the partners had been perpetrating systematic and gigantic frauds.
Heene received a 90 day sentence for perpetrating a hoax, plus community service hours.
She must be sterilized to prevent her from perpetrating her crimes upon more innocent children.
Although these theories are purely myth, Christians and other religious groups have been perpetrating them for years.
He was not, however, killed, but took refuge in Kashmir, where after a few years he seized the throne and then attacked the neighbouring kingdom of Gandhara, perpetrating terrible massacres.
The dynasty of the Jagatai Khans collapsed in 1572 by the dismemberment of the country between rival representatives; and soon after two powerful Khoja factions, the White and Black Mountaineers (Ak and Kara Taghluk), arose, whose dissensions and warfares, with the intervention of the Kalmucks of Dzungaria, fill up the history till 1759, when a Chinese army from Ili (Kulja) invaded the country, and, after perpetrating wholesale massacres, finally consolidated their authority by settling therein Chinese emigrants, together with a Manchu garrison.
It was on this occasion that Parnell, on Forster's charging him, not with directly planning or perpetrating outrages or murder, but with conniving at them, ejaculated "It's a lie"; and, replying on the next day, the Irish leader, instead of disproving Forster's charges, bitterly denounced his methods of administration.