To be guilty of, or responsible for a crime etc; to commit.
As I understand it, the so-called visions were perpetrated with the assistance of a second person, now dead.
This belief made them subject to swindling schemes perpetrated by certain bureau agents and others who promised to secure lands for them.
The archbishop's murder, perpetrated within a month of his return to England (29th December 1170), was, however, the work of over zealous courtiers and regretted by no one more than Henry.
Clement exhibits the absurdity and immorality of the stories told with regard to the pagan deities, the cruelties perpetrated in their worship, and the utter uselessness of bowing down before images made by hands.
The murder of the Inca Atahualpa was perpetrated on the 29th of August 1533, and on the 15th of November Pizarro entered Cuzco.
It has fastened on the family on account of the cruelties perpetrated by Vlad Drakul (1433-1446) and Vlad Tsepesh (1456-1476), who figure in popular legend as representatives of the most fiendish cruelty.
The tract derives its name from the extensive afforestation carried through in this region by William the Conqueror in 1079; and the deaths of two of his sons within its confines - Richard killed by a stag, and William Rufus by an arrow - were regarded in their generation as a judgment of Heaven for the cruelty and injustice perpetrated by their father when appropriating the forest.
Denison, archdeacon of Taunton, Lord Shaftesbury, and others formed a strong committee of protest, whilst Pusey declared that "the choice was the most frightful enormity ever perpetrated by a prime minister."
At this moment a notorious fraud was perpetrated on the Stock Exchange by an uncle of his and by other persons with whom he habitually acted in his speculations.
Mommsen interprets this policy as signifying that "the rule of the urban community of Rome over the shores of the Mediterranean was at an end," and says that the first act of the "new Mediterranean state" was "to atone for the two greatest outrages which that urban community had perpetrated on civilization."
The public refused to believe that the baby was Mary's child, and declared that a fraud had been perpetrated to secure a Roman Catholic heir.
On the 16th of May Marshal MacMahon, in order to support the clerical reactionaries, perpetrated his parliamentary coup d'etat, and on the 15th of August Gambetta, in a speech at Lille, gave him the alternative se soumettre ou se demettre.
He and some others broke into Abelard's chamber by night, and perpetrated on him the most brutal mutilation.
It was the most egregious act the government has ever perpetrated.
Millions of men perpetrated against one another such innumerable crimes, frauds, treacheries, thefts, forgeries, issues of false money, burglaries, incendiarisms, and murders as in whole centuries are not recorded in the annals of all the law courts of the world, but which those who committed them did not at the time regard as being crimes.
It was always Prince Albert's opinion that if Oxford had been flogged the attempt of Francis on the queen in 1842 and of Bean in the same year would never have been perpetrated.
The danger of a serious rising brought the British and French fleets in May 1882 to Alexandria, and after a massacre (11th of June) had been perpetrated by the Arab mob in that city, the British admiral bombarded the forts (11th of July 1882).
The European graveyard has repeatedly been the scene of outrages perpetrated, it is believed, by natives from the mainland of Borneo, the graves being rifled and the hair of the head and other parts of the corpses being carried off to furnish ornaments to weapons and ingredients in the magic philtres of the natives.
Between 374 and 377 we read of grievous complaints of injustice and extortion perpetrated under legal forms, the result probably of the recent panic, and pointing to an increasing weakness and timidity at headquarters.
No attempt, in fact, had been made to exclude the fat of cows and pigs, and apparently no one had realized that a gross outrage was thus being perpetrated on the religious feelings of both Hindu and Mahommedan sepoys.
About this time, too (November 1707), he produced his best narrative poem, Baucis and Philemon, while the next few months witnessed one of the most amusing hoaxes ever perpetrated against the quackery of astrologers.
They were written before 64 B.C., for Rome was not yet known to the writer, and after 95 B.C., for the slaying of the righteous, of which the writer complains, was not perpetrated by the Maccabean princes before that date.
He then took a bible from the priest's hands, and, after looking at it, threw it violently from him, and began a more impassioned speech, in which he exposed the designs of the Spaniards, and upbraided them with the cruelties they had perpetrated.
The Chinese entered Dzungaria in 1758, and there perpetrated an appalling massacre, the victims being estimated at one million.
In 1185 the Normans of Sicily took Thessalonica after a ten days' siege, and perpetrated endless barbarities, of which Eustathius, then bishop of the see, has left an account.
Our campaign has always focussed on ending wanton cruelty to Britain's wild mammals - perpetrated in the name of sport.
Ingram was convicted of one offense of deception, and one of attempted deception perpetrated against the Direct Line Insurance Company.
By the time they returned, the ten were prepared, and indeed perpetrated an evil which we are still shedding tears over.
French president Mitterand's son was chief arms salesman to the Hutu government of Rwanda that perpetrated this holocaust.
However, the main threat continues to be external fraud, perpetrated by individuals or organized criminal gangs.
Of the many atrocities perpetrated against the people of South Armagh some stand out above the rest.
Many of the oddest sightings were, he believed, hoaxes often perpetrated by journalists short of copy in the silly season.
I am still seated in my TV room with a clear image of the severe injustice perpetrated by my people.
Much of the fraud perpetrated through contact centers can be tackled through technology.
They were the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated against our own country with hundreds of our fellow British citizens murdered.
At a previous workplace, employers perpetrated verbal sexual harassment and repeated verbatim things said at my home and accommodation.
I was hoping that this advertisement was a hoax, perpetrated by someone against your company.
The deeds of darkness then perpetrated arose out of that doctrine of the royal supremacy.
A massacre (pogrom) of the Jews was perpetrated here in 1903.
That night the doors were again broken open, the padlocks smashed, the books mutilated, and other disorders perpetrated.
It is the latest scam perpetrated by the American Government and pharmaceutical companies.
So far, there are rumors saying she is pregnant and rumors saying the pregnancy rumor was all just a joke perpetrated by Pete Wentz.
The American Kennel Club and the Council of Better Business Bureaus have teamed up to warn the public about a pattern of scams being perpetrated on people who purchase or adopt puppies online.
As more seniors become eligible for reverse mortgages, more scams will be perpetrated.
The idea of spending the equivalent of two months' salary for an engagement ring is a guideline perpetrated by the diamond industry that has no real bearing on what a couple should realistically spend.
Skeptics believe that ectoplasm is nothing more than a prop used in scams perpetrated by charlatans who portrayed themselves as mediums during the Victorian era up until the late 1930s.
Cromwell, who was as a rule especially scrupulous in protecting non-combatants from violence, justified his severity in this case by the cruelties perpetrated by the Irish in the rebellion of 1641, and as being necessary on military and political grounds in that it "would tend to prevent the effusion of blood for the future, which were the satisfactory grounds of such actions which otherwise cannot but work remorse and regret."
The French authorities, under whose eyes the massacre was perpetrated, did nothing to prevent or repress it, and the mayor of Marseilles even refused to admit the wounded Italian workmen to the municipal hospital.
He threw all the influence of the government against Crispi, who was charged with complicity in embezzlements perpetrated by Favilla, managing director of the Bologna branch of the Bank of Naples.
The massacres they perpetrated were avenged in kind and all the insurrections were quelled when Hadrian succeeded Trajan.