Energy, high spirits.
To inject with energy and enthusiasm.
Is this supposed to be a pep talk?
Entertained by her pep talk with the flowers, Deidre reached her towering apartment building a short time later and paused to collect the mail.
You're about as effective at pep talks as Rhyn.
Gabe turned towards Rhyn, in sore need of a pep talk as only his best friend could provide.
Some employers will not mind what color your hair is if your job location is not visible to clients or guests, or a funky hair color might be allowed to show school spirit at a dance or pep rally.
This in itself was not surprising, since plants normally fix CO2 in the dark using PEP carboxylase as part of their respiratory pathway.
The outer layer (the mesophyll) fixes CO2 using the enzyme PEP carboxylase to form 4-carbon organic acids.
Top Can I transfer an existing pep from another stockbroker?
This section should help to address some of the last minute questions or concerns you might have about taking pep.
She also has a pep with the same fund manager, worth £ 6,500.
I'm hoping for a bit more pep once I reach the 600 mile mark.
But by the time pep was appointed to carry out the study, the residents ' association had disbanded in all but name.
The scene where Blake and Tinker take pep pills doesn't sit well with 21st century sensibilities.
It's not something I would say to Attila the Hun during a pre-battle pep rally.
In addition, over 10,000 pre-printed postcards were received from customers of one large PEP provider.
For a PEP talk, please contact us for a completely independent review of your situation.
In October 2004 a 15 year old girl was bitten by a rabid bat, she received no PEP.
After hearing the pep talk, the football player took ahold of the ball and scored a touchdown.
Whether I've overslept or just don't have time to do a full face, I can count on Benetint to really pep up my look without a lot of fuss.
There is also a pep club for those interested in supporting their fellow students on the playing field.
For instance, Business Professionals of America can provide public relations support to a local non-profit or the Pep Club can host a food drive at a home football game.
The school supports student government, a Phi Theta Kappa chapter, a pep squad and dance team known as the Storm Chases and multiple other fundraisers, sporting events and more.
Once exposed to the virus, the person can begin a therapy called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
The CDC does not have data on the effectiveness of PEP treatment on persons other than healthcare workers.
In the early 2000s, some newer devices, such as the positive expiratory pressure (PEP) valve and the flutter device, have been added to the various chest physical therapy techniques.
The flutter valve is a hand-held mucus clearance device designed to combine positive expiratory pressure (PEP) with high frequency airway oscillations.
Individuals bitten by an unknown or potentially rabid animal should receive postexposure vaccination, also called postexposure prophylaxis (PEP).
The PEP regimen consists of one dose of vaccine given at the initial visit as well as one dose of human immune globulin.
If necessary, give yourself a "pep talk" before speaking with a potential client.
Executed viral marketing campus campaigns for iPod and Budweiser; responsible for coordination of basketball pep rallies and promotions.
Most cities and towns have at least two to three part store chains like Pep Boys, AutoZone, and Napa Auto Parts.
National part store chains like Pep Boys and AutoZone offer repair manuals for all sorts of makes and models.
Give yourself a little pep talk before you head through the door of the used car dealership.
If they are lucky, the cheer pep squad will be sponsored by the school or some other community organization.
The cheerleading squad also plans pep rallies before games, and decorates the hallways and team lockers.
Members of the squad have also toured some of the military bases in Iraq and Kuwait, visiting with United States soldiers and spreading some good old Eagles pep.
Pep rallies are good times to do this, but you could also print the words on handouts that give directions to the games.
Plan out your chants and cheers ahead of the big game and consider teaching some ahead of time by doing them at a pep rally or printing the words on a flyer that announces the game details.
Everyone knows cheerleaders are supposed to promote school spirit, but how do you come up with school spirit activities for all the games, pep rallies and other events?
School spirit day may include pep rallies, a change in class schedule, big games or even fun games for wacky sports, but the most exciting part is the theme.
This is the day where you hold a pep rally, honor school sports teams and help build the school community.
Have each class come up with a special cheer to perform during the pep rally.
Hold a pep rally to highlight the school's sports teams.
Gender Relays - During a pep rally, hold races between gender-bending teams where they have to perform tasks common to the opposite sex.
Decorate a wagon float to parade around at a pep rally.
In an actual pep rally, you would not be able to give a long speech like "Red" does in the beginning of the show.
When you're faced with planning an entire school assembly or pep rally, skit ideas can really come in handy.
Whether you're looking for funny, or going for serious, skits during a pep rally help get the entire student body behind the team and school.
What should happen during pep rally skit?
The goal in any successful pep rally is to get as many people as possible involved.