To urinate.
The schoolboy called out to his friend while he was peeing in the urinal.
(mildly vulgar) To drizzle.
It's peeing with rain.
I badly had to pee and I beat her to the downstairs bathroom.
I had to pee.
I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.
Do you run the water faucet to disguise the sound of pee?
I'll tell you—you have to pee!
Pee Posts are potty training aids that are charged with pheromones to encourage your pet to do its business in a specific area of your yard, leaving the rest of the territory safe for foot traffic.
If she does n't pee soon, she thinks, she'll spray all over the floor.
Once your child has successfully used the potty, you and she can look at her pee pee or poop and talk about what she has just accomplished.
Unless parents have had children before, this can be a daunting, if not slightly amusing, challenge ensuring that everything goes according to plan and without the baby opting to pee or poo at an in-opportune moment when the diaper is off.
If you keep him uncovered, however, your little guy will have a tendency to pee all over you and him!
I will stop immediately, but why would he poop in the box and not pee?
He's fairly well house trained, but this morning he pooped in the kitchen, even though he always has a pee pad next to the door for emergencies.
Be vigilant when you bring him back in, and give him a loud firm "NO" if he looks like he is going to pee, then take him right back outside and give him the command to go.
Have the dogs actually been able to pee through them, and how often do you change the liners?
On fourth, you get off, take a pee, get on.
Your child begins to talk about what she is doing using words that you may have already used with her, such as "pee pee" and "poo poo".
Newborn infants pee and poop a lot, and it can be a messy time.
Pee pee and the occasional poo can and will happen.
Escape from the commercialized tourist resorts of Phuket and Pee Pee and discover the delights of Krabi - sea, sand and sunshine.
You could also try a product called a "Pee Post'".
My two-year-old Border Collie has started to pee in the house.
This type of children's potty training aid is essentially a small child-sized potty, where the toddler will pee and poop into a bowl that is then emptied into the real toilet.
Oh god I hope I don't need a pee!
All traces of pee and poop need to be washed off, and if blood or discharge is noticed, the nursing team must be notified as this may signify infection.
Some pee stains and problem areas may require more than one application.
Whether he is already a pee wee chef or has just begun mastering easy recipes, these kid food games are sure to stimulate his love of food preparation.
If you have a cooking enthusiast in the family, why not encourage his love of learning by enrolling him in a pee wee chef course?
From professional to pee wee leagues, cheerleaders everywhere are commanding our attention!
Pee Wee is an Atlanta teenager with a background similar to T.I.
T.I. takes Pee Wee to a jail and has the officers put him in a cell to give him an idea of what life would be like if he got arrested.
When Pee Wee confessed that he wanted to be an actor, T.I. ran lines from Romeo and Juliet with him.
Pee Wee initially gave up his criminal activities and concentrated on his acting, but during the reunion episode of the show, viewers found out that Pee Wee had recently been shot.
Yugoslavia's relations with Albania, though simplified by this decision, have been affected by the Albanian counterclaim to Pee, Djakovo and the plain of Kosovo, where since the middle of last century the Albanian element had grown steadily stronger at the expense of the Serbs.
I'll tell you—you have to pee!
Parents will not be pleased to see their pee wee aged cheerleader shaking her stuff!
T.I. later surprised Pee Wee with a trip to Los Angeles and acting lessons.
I've had a pee, I can take the wait.
When there are red blood cells in the urine (pee).
Paul Reubens is better known by his stage name, Pee Wee Herman.
While Pee Wee Herman was known for his gray suit, red bow tie, and short hair, Reubens' mugshot featured a man with a goatee and long, greasy hair.
After the liquid passes through her body, it will wind up in her diaper in the form of "pee" or "poop".