A wraparound garment, worn by men or women, similar to a Malaysian sarong.
Although you'll enjoy wearing your tankini to the beach or pool, you can also slip a sarong, pareo, shorts or breezy summer skirt over your bottoms to make your outfit store-friendly.
A fabulous hot pink bandeau one piece with matching pareo.
A one size fits all cotton pareo can be a versatile and stylish addition to any woman's swimwear wardrobe.
If you just tie a pareo around your waist and head to the beach, you're missing out on many other ways in which to wear this versatile garment.
If visuals will help you, the Black Pearl Designs site offers pareo tying instructions which will work with pareos and sarongs.
While some people use the words pareo and sarong interchangeably, pareos are identified with Polynesian culture and may feature bright, floral prints.
If you can't find exactly what you're looking for in stores or online, you can always try making your own cotton pareo.
Unlike garments that require shaping and buttonholes, a pareo is one of the easiest items to make.
When you create your own pareo, you have full control over the size and the pattern, so you can make one that's truly unique.
Instead of looking at a pareo simply as a way to cover up, experiment with various ways to wear it.
What other image evokes thoughts of the tropics like a beautiful woman walking across the sands with her pareo draped across her hips?
Sometimes these garments can be purchased in half-sarong sizes, and plus sizes as well, but the averaged sized pareo can be folded to modify the length.
A sarong or pareo is the perfect accompaniment and can be wrapped around the body in a variety of ways to achieve different looks.