A small, inflammatory, irritated spot on the skin, similar in appearance to a pimple, but not containing pus.
Bacteria start to multiply within the blockage, which leads to inflammatory lesions or red papules.
The eruption consists of firm inflammatory papules and nodules at the sites of injury.
The characteristic small papules are to be looked for.
Sometimes the skin will form tiny red bumps that don't blister, called " erythematous papules " .
Cheyletiella mites (frequently harbored by dogs and cats) Intensely itchy papules appear where the mites have fed on skin.
It is characterized by firm papules and pustules at the nape of the neck.
Left untreated, the area can quickly excoriate and progress to macules and papules, which form erosions and crust.
It starts as itchy, inflamed red patches or streaks, and as the oil penetrates into the skin, blisters and small papules form.
Blisters and/or red papules may form soon after the rash appears.
Pimples may be small or large, and they may be papules or pustules.
It actively reduces acne papules and pustules.
Inflammatory - Papules and pustules are two types of outbreaks typical of this kind of acne.