In a state of panic.
When the baby was late, I started getting restless, irritable, and panicky.
If he didn't take off his necklace before the end of the day, she might just have to … The thought made her panicky and eager.
If he didn't take off his necklace before the end of the day, she might just have to … The thought made her panicky and eager.
Grossly ignorant of all that falls outside " the daily round, the common task," they are full of panicky fears in regard to this unknown, and the primary attitude of society towards it is sheer avoidance, taboo.
The rest of the game was spent trying to equalize against a Lowdham defense that grew more panicky and cynical with each passing minute.
And when I went in to labour and started getting panicky, she reassured me that all was going well.
And the thinking power of a crowd - that is, a mob, not a deliberative assembly - is of a very low order, emotion of a " panicky " type driving it hither and thither like a rudderless ship.