A drug that numbs the pain in the body.
The painkillers she'd taken kicked in soon after, and she bought ice cream.
She rummaged around one of the cupboards for her prescription painkillers, her head pounding.
Only after she tossed back a couple of painkillers did she pick up the phone.
She downed her painkillers with a swig of alcohol.
Head pulsing, she retreated to the kitchen and painkillers, staring at a picture drawn by a kid, probably Toby, on the table before her.
Your doctor can prescribe stronger painkillers for more severe cases.
He took her arm and led her to the couch, retreating to the kitchen for more cookies, water, and a bottle of painkillers.
The general manager was on maternity leave, and she rifled through several drawers before locating a bottle of painkillers.
Throughout the study, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory aspirin-like drugs and painkillers such as paracetamol.
The pain is usually worsened by moving the neck and can be relieved by anti-inflammatory painkillers.
I am now back on my original painkillers for spinal problems and the awful black floaters have disappeared.
Serious symptoms of altitude sickness A severe, enduring headache, which is not cured by a couple of ordinary painkillers.
They are more likely to cause medication headache than other painkillers.
You should not take painkillers for headache for more than a few days at a time.
You will be given painkillers to take home with you.
You may have trouble Getting to sleep at night Moving around You may find you need painkillers.
Regular use helps repair any damage done during the day without using painkillers.
They can be relieved by mild painkillers, or a positive change in lifestyle.
You may take over-the-counter painkillers to relieve pain, burning, tingling or numbness.
For example, elderly people are particularly susceptible to the side effects of opioid painkillers such as morphine and sleeping tablets such as diazepam.
He diagnosed muscular pain, took a blood sample, and prescribed painkillers, which he supplied from his bag.
She's been having trouble sleeping - stronger painkillers are on the request list.
Your GP may be able to help with prescription painkillers.
We will give your child painkillers for this, and explain how to care for your childâs mouth during treatment.
The body's own painkillers will also be released helps to restore health.
Take a medical kit containing a few basics such as anti-diarrhoea tablets, sunburn treatment, antiseptic cream and painkillers with you.
Prescription Drugs - Painkillers like Vicodin and OxyContin, and ADHD drugs like Ritalin and Adderall are commonly abused.
For PLMS, doctors may prescribe anti-seizure medications, sleeping pills, or narcotic painkillers, the same drugs that are used to treat restless leg syndrome.
Regular exercise, aside from relieving stress, has been shown to increase endorphins, painkillers naturally produced in the body.
Painkillers can relieve associated ear pain.
Exercise may be a way to reduce the pain of menstrual cramps through the brain's production of endorphins, the body's own painkillers.
He denied rumors that Katie would not be allowed to have medication or painkillers.
Mild over-the-counter painkillers and a reduction in physical activity are recommended until the symptoms subside.
She's both a recovering alcoholic and addicted to painkillers.
In more recent years, some studies have shown concern over the relation between lower back tattoos and painkillers during childbirth.
Take over-the-counter painkillers if necessary to help you with any discomfort.
He went right back to abusing his painkillers.
If not for the painkillers Mansr gave her as soon as she awoke and her newest discovery to distract her from the lingering pain, she'd be too miserable to move.
The painkillers didn't work, and by noon, she had a pulsing headache and no idea how to change the leaky bandage around her wrist.
Your medicine cabinet should always contain painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and/or aspirin, to relieve the symptoms of cold or flu.