The operation of destroying older data by recording new data over it.
To destroy (older data) by recording new data over it.
I accidentally saved my unwanted changes and overwrote the version of the document I wanted to keep.
To cover in writing; to write over the top of.
To write too much.
To write in an unnecessarily complicated or florid way; to produce purple prose.
The status reminder does not overwrite any previous text messages sent.
Multiple settings can be useful for traveling, allowing you to set different alarms while traveling between time zones without having to delete or overwrite existing alarms.
The Blu-ray is also rewriteable, meaning that you can overwrite information once it has been written to the disc.
Do not overwrite existing opinions; if you do, the article will be restored to an earlier version and your own contribution will vanish.
One example of a problem it can create is a scenario where you upload a page to test it, overwrite your live page, and the new page doesn't work.