The state or condition of being overwhelmed.
To engulf, surge over and submerge.
The dinghy was overwhelmed by the great wave.
To overpower, crush.
In December 1939 the Soviet Union attacked Finland with overwhelming force.
To overpower emotionally.
He was overwhelmed with guilt.
To cause to surround, to cover.
Sadness threatened to overwhelm him.
All the forces against which he had been struggling united to overwhelm him.
Quantity is very important since you want to overwhelm your opponents.
You don't want to overwhelm young children with complicated puzzles.
More than anything she feared lest the confusion she felt might overwhelm her and betray her as soon as she saw him.
Bills may overwhelm individuals, especially after having recently lost a job or experiencing an unforeseen financial emergency.
The purpose of a text is not to overwhelm someone, or even to do more than bring a small smile to their face.
A beautifully decorated Christmas tree certainly looks festive, but it can easily overwhelm your budget.
Hormone imbalances, exposure to toxins, including mold, and chronic illness can also overwhelm the bacteria balance and cause candida.
After the engagement party there will be bridal showers, luncheons, and other celebrations that will nearly overwhelm the happy couple with an abundance of gifts.
Comparison shopping has never been simpler, and the sheer number of bargain basement-type outlets seems to overwhelm even the savviest shopper.
While the color packs quite a fashion punch, there's no need for it to overwhelm your outfit.
Add to package a sleek look that is elegant but doesn't overwhelm, and this bag is a versatile option from a trusted name in handbags.
The Scorpio's passionate and adventurous sexual nature can sometimes overwhelm the shy and practical Virgo.
Feeling others' pain can overwhelm natives of the sign, but if they can fight through the sadness they feel emanating from the world, they can accomplish remarkable feats to help stop that suffering.
They take on a life of their own and can quickly overwhelm the truth; this leads to suspicion, mistrust, and misguided efforts to correct the problem stated in the legend.
Debunking urban legends becomes critical when the legend threatens to overwhelm scientific truth.
Even if you have insurance, the cost of medications can easily start to overwhelm your household budget.
For those with diabetes, especially juvenile (Type I) diabetes, the state of ketosis may be undesirable, as it may overwhelm the delicate balance of the system that keeps blood glucose and blood insulin levels under control.
A twist on this trope is found in the NBC television series Chuck where the main character becomes the human computer known as Intersect, and must struggle against the Intersect’s ability to overwhelm his mind.
Oversized furniture will overwhelm small spaces, so keep your furniture in scale with your room.
A very thin, low ring will look skimpy when paired with a thick, tall pillar candle, while a thick, mounded ring can overwhelm a taper candle.
Ed Hardy shoes are already pretty busy, so don't overwhelm your outfit.
Consequently, you want to be very careful when selecting your outfit, so as to not overwhelm your look.
The abandoned streets, littered with graffiti and trash while the residents are all behaving strange overwhelm the Stackhouse siblings.
The album was recorded at numerous locations and tells the story of the band's withdrawal from their fans, whose enthusiasm for Pink Floyd began to overwhelm the band's members.
They have to be carefully designed and then implemented to complement the action in a scene and not overwhelm it.
A MySpace layout that has too much detail will overwhelm the reader and distract him or her from the rest of the content.
Sometimes they overwhelm me, and I kinda go crazy.
Gabe drew sword and dagger and unleashed on the half-demon, whose demon magic and quick reflexes responded with power that'd overwhelm anyone but Death himself.
This was more than mere passion, rather a visceral need that threatened to overwhelm him.
That heart now threatens, like the ripe fig he grows on the Tyne, to overwhelm his work with sweetness.
If you start drinking enough methanol to get inebriated, you overwhelm your liver's metabolic machinery, and serious problems result.
They hook a tarpon that soon threatens to overwhelm them.
A crowd of instruments that seemed at first to overwhelm it in sympathetic comments is perfectly dramatic and appropriate on the symphonic scale.
But, if we should take the view that nature is infinitely extended - part of the " Antithesis " in Kant's first " Antinomy " - relative necessity breaks down on the last analysis, since boundless nature may overwhelm that sequence which we thought most securely established.
Handing over the command to Soult, he hurried back to Paris to trample on the seeds of sedition and to overwhelm Austria by the blows which he showered upon her in the valley of the Danube.
At present it serves no other purpose than to increase the floods which periodically turn Bagdad into an island city, and sometimes threaten to overwhelm the dikes which protect it and to submerge it entirely.
But I cannot forget that in the sky of India, serene as it is, a small cloud may arise, no larger than a man's hand, but which, growing larger and larger, may at last threaten to burst and overwhelm us with ruin."
And accordingly the "descents" or incarnations of the deity have for their object, not so much the spiritual regeneration of man as the deliverance of the world from some material calamity threatening to overwhelm it.
Griff and Steadman were particularly resolute at the back, but they could only do so much as Ciren threatened to overwhelm them.
Many of the crippling and fatal diseases globally are threatening to overwhelm third world countries.
Be courteous if you use this technique; don't overwhelm and already-busy employee.
Even pets who do well with kittens may overwhelm the little one when first entering his new environment.
If possible, have someone else come with you to either help drive or keep an eye on the kitten while you drive.If you're not going straight to your vet appointment, it's usually best to go directly home so you don't overwhelm your kitten.
Learning about possible divisive issues before the paperwork begins to accumulate and overwhelm all parties may help parents reach an agreement more quickly.
It also has a hint of bitterness, which if overused, could overwhelm a recipe.
The reason is that saffron's bitter quality can overwhelm a dish if too much is used.
Keep the decoration simple; lots of bold colors and patterns will overwhelm the room.
Zebra print borders are a great idea because they don't overwhelm the room, they're inexpensive, and they can be added fairly easily no matter what method you use.