To fill beyond reasonable limits, with people, animals, objects or information.
The situation where a space holds more occupants than it can comfortably accommodate.
Overcrowding could lead to some real problems.
Up to 1565 the national synod consisted of a minister with one or two elders or deacons from every church; after that date, to avoid overcrowding, its numbers were restricted to representatives from each provincial synod.
The impecunious were locked up and deprived of all hope of earning means to obtain enlargement; while their families and persons dependent on them shared their imprisonment and added to the overcrowding.
Tackling the problem of overcrowding on so many of our commuter trains.
Also includes the ' overcrowding in England ' papers which contain national, regional and sub-regional statistics about overcrowded housing.
The huge difference between time sentenced and actual time served is due to severe overcrowding.
Poor living conditions and overcrowding lead to chronic stress and a decrease in quality of life.
Overcrowding may be a sign that a kennel is more interested in collecting boarding fees than in providing adequate care.
Numbers also die from diseases produced apparently from overcrowding.
Paper whites are perennials so every few years you will need to separate the clusters to prevent overcrowding and support healthy growth.
Don't try to plant too many varieties or too many individual plants because that only cause overcrowding.
A child who inherits a mother's small jaw and a father's large teeth may have teeth that are too big for the jaw, causing overcrowding.
Severe overcrowding may necessitate the extraction of permanent teeth, usually the premolars, to create space prior to using braces to move teeth.
Other risk factors include poverty, overcrowding (as in military camps), and lack of access to good medical care.
If overcrowding is creating malocclusion, one or more teeth may be extracted (surgically removed), giving the others room to move.
Be sure to use only as much artwork as you need because overcrowding a page with images can actually be a deterrent.
To avoid overcrowding, keep party attendance within safety codes for the area of the beach you reserve.
In July of the same year, she was sentenced up to 30 days in jail, but only served three hours because of overcrowding.
Not only should the names be carefully selected with special reference to the objects which the map is intended to serve, and to prevent overcrowding by the introduction of names which can serve no useful object, but they should also be arranged in such a manner as to be read easily by a person consulting the map. It is an accepted rule now that the spelling of names in countries using the Roman alphabet should be retained, with such exceptions as have been familiarized by long usage.
But the bulk of its inhabitants being packed into a comparatively small portion of this area, the working classes suffer greatly from overcrowding, and all sections of the community from high rents.
In 1888, 1600 people were living in the space of a single acre, and over ioo,000 were believed to be living within an area not exceeding 2 m.; and the overcrowding does not tend to diminish, for in one district, in 1900, it was estimated that there were at the rate of 640,000 persons on the sq.
To make it even more confusing, some school districts have both middle schools and junior high schools in an attempt to ease overcrowding at other schools.
Hilton's jail time, however, was reduced to 23 days for "good behavior" (and reported overcrowding in the jail).
Overcrowding is the norm, not the exception, and the quality and quantity of food and water available is dubious at best.
Although the child will eventually develop adult teeth to replace the baby teeth, missing baby teeth can result in overcrowding when the adult teeth come in.
Poor hygiene, overcrowding, and improper storage of food are leading causes of infection.
The various expansions and developments have made it difficult to maintain the ratio between accommodation and requirements, and although overcrowding is troublesome only during some three or four hours a week, at "high 'Change" on market days, various complaints and suggestions provoked in 1906 an appeal from the chairman of directors to the Manchester corporation.
Again, in Oporto there is an area which combines every possible sanitary defect - dense overcrowding, great poverty, no light, no air, no drainage, no scavenging, water brought in buckets.
If the bunches are too numerous they must be thinned before the flowers expand, and the berries also must be properly thinned out and regulated as soon as they are well set, care being taken, in avoiding overcrowding, that the bunches be not made too thin and loose.
The explanation has been shown by Dr Petersen to be due to the abundance of food, coupled with the lack of overcrowding of the small fish.