To fill beyond reasonable limits, with people, animals, objects or information.
Containing too many occupants for an area of its size.
We may need to visit your house to carry out an inspection if you are statutorily overcrowded.
The prison is to house 100 prisoners during the first phase, who will mainly be transferred from the overcrowded prisons in Maputo.
The council is also working with the 16 most severely overcrowded council tenants in the boro who are lacking three or more bedrooms.
Broilers live inside dark, filthy and overcrowded factory farm sheds.
Despite such prosperity, the tremendous economic changes left many of its urban poor living in overcrowded slums.
London was overcrowded with wounded soldiers begging in the streets.
It provided practical training in mission work among the overcrowded tenements of the Pleasance, the Cowgate and the adjacent closes.
The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, an organization of 1600 leading business men, is a power for varied good in the city; besides its constant and aggressive work in promoting the commercial interests of the city, it was largely influential in the federal reform of the consular service; it studied the question of overcrowded tenements and secured the passage of a new tenement law with important sanitary provisions and a set minimum of air space; it urges and promotes home-gardening, public baths and play-grounds, and lunch-rooms, &c., for employes in factories; and it was largely instrumental in devising and carrying out the so-called "Group Plan" described above.
The most thrifty and capable sections of the people at the present day are not (it has been shown) in overcrowded areas, producing offspring at such a rate as to contribute to the increase of the population.
Thousands of families still live in overcrowded conditions on rundown housing estates, while thousands of others live in temporary accommodation.
The Jewish sweatshops of the Leylands became notorious for their overcrowded houses, long hours of work and low pay.
The war has displaced an estimated 1.6 million people in northern Uganda, obliging them to seek refuge in 135 overcrowded and unsanitary camps.
Camps can be overcrowded; unsanitary places where food and clean water is short and there are many problems.
Whether your bath is contemporary or whimsical, small or overcrowded, a frameless mirror can make a big impact.
Do not overwhelm your small guest list with large, overcrowded décor.
That said, this type of curtain looks great in eclectic rooms, just as long as it isn't too busy and overcrowded.
Plastic mulches eventually just become fodder for overcrowded landfills.
Discovery Cove only admits 1000 people per day so that the time you get swimming with the dolphins is not overcrowded (expect to be in the water with a maximum of six other people).
If a decayed baby tooth is lost too early, the adjacent teeth may move into the space, causing crooked and overcrowded permanent teeth.
Scabies is most common among people who live in overcrowded conditions and whose ability to practice good hygiene is limited.
It's recommended you go on a weeknight if possible, as this busy store can be overcrowded on the weekends, especially around the holidays.
As tuberculosis, a serious bacterial lung infection, reached epidemic proportions in 1924, the overcrowded structure was expanded into a 400 patient sanatorium.
Traditional education programs have set schedules that often don't fit already overcrowded lives of adult degree seekers.
However, as Napster was overcrowded and starting to get itself into trouble, WinMX was a refreshing alternative.
The hospitals at Julfa and Isfahan have accommodation for 100 patients each, and are sometimes full to overflowing; the dispensaries are generally overcrowded.
Multi-colored strobe lights pulsed around the overcrowded, vampire-themed club while electronica drowned out most attempts at conversation.
It's a bit like the viewing part in a cricket pavilion, pleasantly airy and not too overcrowded with tables.
The workhouse was greatly overcrowded, food was short, sanitation was poor, and diseases such as typhus fever and dysentery were widespread.
Indeed, by the 1850s there was widespread concern over the " threat to health and decency " caused by the overcrowded graveyards.
Also includes the ' overcrowding in England ' papers which contain national, regional and sub-regional statistics about overcrowded housing.
The majority of the deaths occurred in the overcrowded and often insanitary conditions of the field and base hospitals.
But going into police cells was necessary in some parts of the country as overcrowded jails reached breaking point.
Many industry onlookers believe that the overcrowded UK broadband market will eventually reduce to three or four big players, including BT.
In the 1840's and early 1850's church graveyards were becoming dangerously overcrowded and some posed a health risk.
Many clinics are seriously overcrowded, leading to delays for patients.
He shares the insider secrets that help songwriters make their work competitive in an overcrowded marketplace.
The effect upon the overcrowded population of the city was terrible.
Deaf students fail in Britain's grossly overcrowded public sector classrooms.
He had to drive several times through the hopelessly overcrowded heart of the city.
The closer she got to the overcrowded, poor part of the city, the more people jammed the streets, shoving against her in an effort to escape the collapsing buildings.
During the Napoleonic wars and the Crimean campaign the Grand Harbour was frequently overcrowded with shipping.
But open sewers, public pumps, cobble-paved roads, open market-places and overcrowded subterranean dwellings are now abolished.
At the height of the season the town is much overcrowded, and the entire want of a drainage system is severely felt.
Frequently it was terribly overcrowded (by as many as 1200 prisoners at a time), the inmates often suffered great privations, and many died or were physically disabled for the remainder of their lives.
Surrounded by a massive Venetian wall, it forms a closely built, irregular and overcrowded town, though of late years a few of its streets have been widened.
Then comes the almost human foresight with which the bee prevents the inevitable chaos created by an overcrowded home.
In the former case the cartographer is merely called upon to reduce and generalize the information given by his originals, to make a judicious selection of place names, and to take care that the map is not overcrowded with names and details.
On the front, too, the Russian attack came to a standstill and ebbed, for Soimonov's overcrowded battalions jostled one another and dissolved on the narrow and broken plateau.
These improvements connote the obliteration of the insanitary and overcrowded courts and alleys which were to be found between all the main streets, few in number, connecting the upper and the lower towns.
Hell that overcrowded letting murderers walk?