To get the better of; to outsmart, to beat in a competition of wits.
The Banda-manna saga (1050-1060), the only comedy among the sagas, is also a northern tale; it relates the struggles of a plebeian who gets a chieftancy against the old families of the neighbourhood, whom he successfully outwits; Ol-kofra pattr is a later imitation of it in the same humorous strain.
In race after race Schumacher outwits opponents by overtaking them when they are stationary in the pits.
But his wife, in cahoots with her lover and her servant, cleverly outwits his befuddled attempts to expose her with hilarious consequences.
Music consistently outwits all attempts to store, own, quantify and of course sell it - as I pointed out last time.
After many complicated plots, Rocambole finally outwits Miss Ellen, but is recaptured by the police.