To extend by stretching
Extended or stretched out
They ran towards each other with arms outstretched, and the credits rolled.
Nothing but air greeted her outstretched hands.
In her outstretched hand was a robe.
He deposited the package in her outstretched hands and turned, running down the hall.
Carmen accepted the outstretched hand and placed a foot in the vacated stirrup.
The Captain of the gun is shown with outstretched lanyard in hand waiting for the order to " commence firing " .
Other designs may include the guardian angel alone with her wings at her side while holding a harp, an angel with her arms outstretched to you or an angel that is introspective and withdrawn.
He rose with feline grace from the couch and approached, hand outstretched.
Visitors held out their hands like this, Dusty said, indicating his outstretched hand.
Start out by jumping into a standing position with legs together, your arms outstretched with the palms facing upward.
Two more closed in on her, but she danced away, luring one into a trap and throwing the second off guard long enough to escape his outstretched grasp.
Most often the injury is caused by a blow to the shoulder or by falling on an outstretched hand.
The Blue Lagoon & Reykjanes Peninsula Shaped like an outstretched leg, the volcanic Reykjanes Peninsula forms Iceland's south west corner.
Front of Trunk Stretch Lie down on the floor, fully outstretched.
The death casualties in Bomber Command far outstretched those of any other arm of the services.
Keeping your arm slightly outstretched allows you to keep the line taut and clear of your hoses and tank.
The performer holds them on his outstretched palm and asks a spectator to cover them.
The next ball is tipped off outside edge but drops inches short of Strauss's outstretched paws.
To catch the rattlesnake, the hawk will approach the snake by walking with its wings outstretched making it look large & threatening.
A yogi seated on a tiger skin The yogi seated on a tiger skin The yogi sits on an outstretched tiger skin at the base of the picture plain.
The man lay on his back, his huge arms and legs outstretched.
A yogi seated on a tiger skin The yogi sits on an outstretched tiger skin at the base of the picture plain.
Take your outstretched hand and measure from your neck to your palm.
Keep your arms close to your body instead of outstretched when carrying shovelfuls of snow.
The patient is asked to repetitively touch his nose using his index finger and then to touch the clinician's outstretched finger.
Point your toe and reach out your opposing arm into an outstretched position of worship and grace.
The video recorded a ghostly figure of a man walk out of a dark doorway with one hand outstretched and an unnaturally white face almost glowing in the middle of the grainy closed-circuit video stream.
Outstretched wings, intricate color and detail, as well as the ultimate tone and style of the fairy's appearance are all considerations to make before you get inked.
Western dragon tattoos usually depict the dragon in flight with its great wings outstretched in an impressive span.
Bat wings are usually inked in dark brown or black, but if the wings are outstretched, they can be shaded with flesh tone to make them appear more like skin.
With your palm facing down, use your other hand to push the outstretched hand down as much far as possible without pain.
You will then use your outstretched arms to pump up and down, alternating between five inhales and five exhales until you reach one-hundred.
Fred was so close to her she couldn't refuse his outstretched hand.
Rhyn stared at the scenes playing out in Death's outstretched hands. His heart grew heavy as he watched demons kill humans by the hundreds. The promise he'd made to keep Katie happy made him feel sick, and duty would never fill the hollow part of him that would remain during a lifetime without his mate.
The Black God knelt before her, phone outstretched.
To start, you can keep your arms outstretched for balance; but as you progress, start folding your arms outstretched for balance; but as you progress, start folding your arms across your chest.
But 7E, very sensibly, remained on her perch, ducking as 08's outstretched talons whistled past again and again.
The children who crowd these grimy alleys, half-clad and underfed, shrink away from your outstretched hand as if from a blow.
Seated Hamstring and Groin Stretch Sit tall with both legs fully outstretched.
Huge numbers of crinoids swarm across the gully bottoms, carefully avoiding the outstretched tentacles of the anemones.
Dean gave the girl a hug as she shyly took Franny's outstretched hand.
Once again in darkness, Dean made his way toward the form, his arms outstretched before him.
The design, by August von Kreling (1819-1876), embraces fifteen bronze figures, all cast at the royal bronze foundry in Munich, the chief being a female figure with outstretched arms, from whose fingers the water falls in a fine spray.
This event is referred to by Aristophanes in the Clouds (212), where the old farmer, on being shown Euboea on the map "lying outstretched in all its length," remarks, - "I know; we laid it prostrate under Pericles."
A hand, with fingers outstretched as a talisman against the evil eye, is carved above this gate on the exterior; a key, the symbol of authority, occupies the corresponding place on the interior.
Zeno compared sensation to the outstretched hand, flat and open; bending the fingers was assent; the clenched fist was " simple apprehension," the mental grasp of an object; knowledge was the clenched fist tightly held in the other hand.
He flung down the slab, broke it, and swooping down on her with outstretched hands shouted, "Get out!" in such a terrible voice that the whole house heard it with horror.
After speaking to the senior French officer, who came out of the house with a white handkerchief tied to his sword and announced that they surrendered, Dolokhov dismounted and went up to Petya, who lay motionless with outstretched arms.
She tentatively touched Pierre's outstretched arm.
All seemed to be in perilously dangerous situations, clinging to the sheer walls with outstretched arms and spread legs, somehow adhered to the clear surface before them.
In his hand he holds the crest of Lagash and its god - a lion-headed eagle with outstretched wings, supported by two lions which are set heraldically back to back.