An orthodontic dentist
Doctor Fong has more than 25 years of experience as an orthodontist.
Once a child's lower baby incisors have erupted, an orthodontist can measure the child's jaw and tooth size, project their growth rate, and possibly predict whether the child will have orthodontic problems with their permanent teeth.
The orthodontist will make a detailed examination of a patient's mouth to determine what kind of treatment might be necessary.
Once a determination is made that braces are needed to correct a problem, the orthodontist will devise a treatment method.
The orthodontist can recommend tips and may advise the use of special tools like waterpiks and floss threaders.
Dr. Ron Perkins is an orthodontist who has personal experience as a patient suffering from sleep apnea.
Children with Marfan should be evaluated by their dentist at each checkup for crowding of the teeth and possible misalignment and referred to an orthodontist if necessary.
Local factors, such as sharp teeth or braces, can be addressed by a dentist or orthodontist.
Dentists monitor the development of a child's permanent teeth and refer the child to an orthodontist if a problem is suspected.
The orthodontist may be able to perform preventative or interceptive orthodontics that can reduce or eliminate the need for braces later.
In a procedure called selective serial extraction, the orthodontist removes one or more baby or permanent teeth.
The orthodontist compiles pretreatment records that are used for diagnosis, determining the course of treatment, and measuring the progress of treatment.
Based on the diagnosis the orthodontist develops a custom treatment plan and designs the appropriate corrective appliances that will gradually straighten or move the teeth.
For children receiving orthodontic care, the orthodontist should be notified immediately if an appliance breaks.
A dentist or orthodontist should be consulted if a child's teeth seem to be particularly misaligned or if a child complains of dental or jaw pain.
If a tooth has not yet erupted or is prematurely lost, the orthodontist may insert an appliance, called a space maintainer, to keep the other teeth from moving out of their natural position.
However, depending on the cause and severity of the condition, an orthodontist may be able to suggest other appliances as alternatives to braces.
Full compliance with the orthodontist's instructions helps to ensure that the treatment is successful.
As Orson Hodge, MacLachlan plays the orthodontist husband of persnickety Bree, and he just happened to have been the culprit behind the wheel of the hit and run that struck Mike Delfino.
An orthodontist is a specialized dentist who treats people with teeth and jaws that may be misaligned.
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children be screened by an orthodontist by the age of seven.