A clockwork model of any given solar system.
It was accepted by the early biographers, Deane Swift, Orrery, Delany and Sheridan; also by Johnson, Scott, Dr Garnett, Craik, Dr Bernard and others.
For an interactive model (called an orrery) look at the Solar System Live.
Why not use the electric orrery to see how Venus remains a morning object over the next few months.
The Solar System Live includes an interactive orrery of the Solar System, which might be what you are looking for.
It is often called an orrery after Charles Boyle, the 4th Earl of Orrery, for whom the first planetarium was made.
It contains a large number of interesting monuments, including a brass with the date 873 (supposed to mark the restingplace of King !Ethelred I.), a lunar orrery of the 14th century and an octagonal Norman font of Purbeck marble.