Any ester of phosphoric acid or its derivatives, especially one used as an insecticide or herbicide.
But the alternative, organophosphate dips, had been linked to causing health problems in humans.
Using 2-D electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography, brain proteins which react with a tritium-labelled organophosphate, can be rapidly imaged.
Every year hundreds of millions of pounds of organophosphate insecticides are sprayed on crops.
Pesticides found included organophosphate and carbamate insecticides and fungicides [3] .
A., et al. "Survival pattern in patients with acute organophosphate poisoning receiving intensive care."
Malathion (0.5% in Ovide), a neurotoxic organophosphate, was withdrawn from the U.S. market due to an increase in malathion-resistant lice.