Any of several large, ferocious sea creatures, now especially the killer whale.
A mythical evil monstrous humanoid creature, usually quite aggressive and often green.
A porcine humanoid monster larger than humans, sometimes pink. (found in Japanese pop-culture and called "orc" when imported to the West)
The Fighter/Thief, his Fighter follower and the Dwarf PC chase down and kill any orcs that get in the way.
I'm studying some orcs who live in the mountains - the HA.
Doesn't it annoy you that the other peoples of Virginia regard orcs as something of a joke?
That would keep the other orcs safe for decades to come.
As to when all this would take place, well that was up to the chief and the senior male orcs to decide.
Had JaSEP been female, it would have been the chief and the senior female orcs.
Whenever anything of local significance was happening, Lakka called a conference of the senior orcs in the village.
All life in the town and outlying forests has been stifled by the sudden raids of orcs on dragon steeds.
A ravening horde of evil Mordor Orcs are now rapidly closing the distance between themselves, Eowyn and her valiant defenders.
Prince of War - This easy medieval times game pits you against the mythical orcs.
Take on the role of a nameless character and forge alliances with whomever you like -- the downtrodden humans, the conquering Orcs, or even the traitorous merchants.
Listen to hard rock music while battling Orcs, Elves and Vells.
A great sequel to Crusaders, it keeps you on your toes by throwing you into situations where you fight numerous troops of Dark Elves, Orcs, Half Vampires and others.
A video shows your army walking through a forest area on their way back to their home base . As you walk towards the castle, you are thrown into a battle with numerous Orcs.
After the quest to kill the Wild Men bands, you will see a couple of Orcs.
Play as Sam and protect Frodo at all costs by battling your way through Goblins, Orcs and ferocious spiders.
Kill the Orcs, avoid getting captured by the Nazgul, run up the stairs, climb down the ladder and take out the archers.
Skip past the group of orcs by sticking to the left.
You spend a lot of time traveling through different locations and encountering wolves, Orcs, Minotaurs, Giants and other powerful foes.
Use melee combat, bows, magical instruments and creature taming abilities to defeat giants, orcs, dwarves, wolves and other dangerous foes.
Later, after thousands of years of travel, the Draeni settled on a planet occupied by native Orcs with whom they cohabitated peacefully for many years.
Best-known for his remarkable adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, there's a lot more to filmmaker Peter Jackson than hobbits, orcs, dwarves, and wizards.
After all, who doesn't want to willingly suspend his disbelief to come face to face with the underdog hero, or battle orcs in the field?
Against them are arrayed all the spies, sneaks, ghouls, orcs and other bad things that call the Dark Lord their ruler.
Boromir has been killed attempting to save the two younger hobbits, Merry and Pippin, from evil Orcs.
The hobbits are saved from Saruman's minion orcs by the Ents, eldest tree spirits that take the form of walking, talking giant trees.
Alas, for good intentions, Gollum leads the two directly to the lair of Shelob, a giant spider, who stings Frodo with a poisonous bite, allowing him to be captured by orcs.
Because the swords, including Bilbo's knife, were meant to battle Orcs, they were forged so that they glowed with a faint blue light whenever Orcs were near.
Ancient Elven runes inscribed on the sword declare it to be the "Foe of Morgoth's realm," and "Hammer of the Orcs."
Lord of the Rings characters include humans, elves, hobbits, dwarves, wizards, orcs and more.
They made a game of slaying orcs, keeping score.
The orcs, goblins and trolls are their foes and must be overcome in the quest to destroy the One Ring.