Surgical removal of one or both ovaries.
The decrease in risk offered by risk-reducing mastectomy or oophorectomy is always expressed over a period of time.
These include, small bowel resection, stoma, excision of fistulas, right nephrectomy, oophorectomy and possible hysterectomy.
The remaining 28 women (93 %) undergoing prophylactic oophorectomy expressed no regret about the decision.
Interest in prophylactic oophorectomy may fluctuate based on varying exposure to cues that trigger anxiety.
Abstract In a survey in 1989 Spector observed that 70% of women who had had bilateral oophorectomy had never received hormone replacement therapy.
An oophorectomy carried out in the absence of ovarian cancer is known as a risk-reducing bilateral oophorectomy or prophylactic bilateral oophorectomy.
Sometimes a cancer treatment can be chosen that does not affect fertility, such as a radical trachelectomy (used when a woman has cervical cancer) or oophorectomy (early stage ovarian cancer treatment).