An exclamation of ooh.
To exclaim ooh.
An expression of surprise.
An expression of awe.
A sound made to imitate a ghost.
An expression of affection.
An expression of pain.
The sienna miller look Exactly - its her look, all this ' ooh its sooo boho and sienna miller ' is well annoying.
Ooh, come out as something different!
While in town, Sean manages to get his frets dressed - ooh matron - by local luthier, Gordy Bischoff.
Oh, ooh! his frightened moans could be heard, subdued by suffering and broken by sobs.
Oh, ooh! he sobbed, like a woman.
Not only does this company's bras illicit ooh's and aah's by those women who have discovered them, they also provide phenomenal support and practical functionality.
Style and a little creative flare can turn every day objects and items into a table setting your guests will ooh and ahh over.
This way, fellow party revelers can ooh and ah to their hearts content, and you won't have to worry about whether you're wearing too much jewelry.
Our second short screenplay was entitled, Ooh La La.
Ooh La La also recently won an honorable mention in the Hollywood Creative Connection Short Comedy Screenplay Competition.
Let's face it, even the most budget conscious parent sometimes ooh and aah at designer looks recreated in tiny children's outfits.
Ooh La La Demi Bra(40-44 D/DD) - Half-cup bra with fan-shaped boning supports sizes up to a DD.
The featured French maid's outfits on this site will have both of you saying ooh la la!
In order to get that "ooh la laah" bit of confidence, you'll need to wear underwear that you like.
Ooh's and aah's rang around the small patio as various goodies were presented for general perusal.
Ooh, a chill just ran up my spine.
The first woman cackled " OOh, I bet you're a master bridge player dearie - you're not?
Ah, smile away sweetly now, Come on now, ooh, sweetly smile away, Yes, sir!
Ooh! lamented Aniska, who at the sight of the fire felt that she too must give expression to her feelings.
Ah, smile away sweetly now, Come on now, ooh, sweetly smile away, Yes, sir !
Then they get that initial whiff of a fun new set and ooh and ahh over it at the Christmas tree but never touch it again, it can still be a lot of fun.
People will "ooh" and "aah" at the cool outfits your child is wearing, and that alone is a satisfying reason to buy better than average products.