Nerium oleander, a notoriously poisonous shrub in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae, but nonetheless widely grown as an ornamental, having leathery lance-shaped leaves and deep rose-colored or white flowers.
The oleander grows here to be a tree, and there is a banyan tree, said to be the only one growing out of doors in the United States.
The sugar-cane flourishes, the cotton-plant ripens to perfection, date-trees are seen in the gardens, the rocks are clothed with the prickly-pear or Indian fig, the enclosures of the fields are formed by aloes and sometimes pomegranates, the liquorice-root grows wild, and the mastic, the myrtle and many varieties of oleander and cistus form the underwood of the natural forests of arbutus and evergreen oak.
On the north the hills rise gradually from the shore, which is fringed with oleander bushes and indented with small bays.
Nerium oleander, so familiar to holidaymakers, was still flowering strongly as it tends to for nine months of the year.
They later learned that Tommy had gathered oleander sticks, one of the most poisonous plants in the area, and the heat from the fire had transferred the oleander poison to the hot dogs.
In some places, occupying the sides and hollows of ravines, are found the rose bay (Nerium Oleander), called in Persian khar-zarah, or ass-bane, the wild laburnum and various Indigoferae.