An utterance of oh; a spoken expression of surprise, acknowledgement, etc.
To utter the interjection oh; to express surprise, etc.
The letter O, o (more commonly spelled o)
The digit 0 (especially in representations of speech)
My telephone number is four-double-three-two-oh-nine.
Most OHS patients are treated on an outpatient basis, but patients who are at severe risk due to levels of carbon dioxide in their blood and related issues (including liver damage) may be hospitalized for initial treatments.
If you suspect you have OHS with or without sleep apnea, you should contact a physician immediately.
They will be able to properly diagnose OHS through tests eliminating other pulmonary causes including cancer and other diseases.
When a person suffers from OHS and obstructive sleep apnea, they will find their daytime sleepiness increased due to high amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Other effects of OHS include visual blurring when the optical disk swells and strain on the heart as it tries to pump fluids through.
In debilitating cases, OHS can cause fluid to gather in the lungs and legs, increasing fatigue and decreasing the body's tolerance for activity.
Hyperventilation hypoxia CPAP can help a patient lose the weight they need to lose to decrease their risks for recurring OHS.
Patients who experience OHS and OSA concurrently are at a greater risk for heart damage.