In the International System of Units, the derived unit of electrical resistance; the electrical resistance of a device across which a potential difference of one volt causes a current of one ampere. Symbol: Ω
The coils of the electromagnets are differentially wound with silk-covered wire, 4 mils (= 004 inch) in diameter, to a total resistance of 400 ohms. This differential winding enables the instrument to be used for " duplex " working, but the connexions of the wires to the terminal screws are such that the relay can be used for ordinary single working.
The shunts usually employed with the drum relay (referred to above) have each a resistance of about 30 ohms and an inductance of 20, 30 and 40 henrys respectively.
On creating an electric spark or wave in the neighbourhood of the tube the resistance suddenly falls to a few ohms and the cell sends a current through it.
For the purpose of measuring resistances up to a few thousand ohms, the most convenient appliance is a Wheatstone's Bridge (q.v), but when the resistance of the conductor to be measured is several hundred thousand ohms, or if it is the resistance of a so-called insulator, such as the insulating covering of the copper wires employed for distributing electric current in houses and buildings for electric lighting, then the ohmmeter is more convenient.
Hence the resistance of the insulator can be ascertained, since it is expressed in ohms by the ratio of the voltage of the battery in volts to the current through the C C galvanometer in amperes.
For this purpose a resistance, say, of one ohm is placed in series with the lamp and a resistance of 100,000 ohms placed across the terminals of the lamp; the latter resistance is divided into two parts, one consisting of loon ohms and the other of 99,000 ohms. The potentiometer enables us to measure therefore the current through the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down a resistance in series with it and the potential difference of the terminals of the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down the tooth part of the high resistance of 100,000 ohms connected across the terminals of the lamp.
The standard ohm, sub-standards up to 100,000 ohms, and below 1 ohm to = 1/1000 ohm.
In that known as the Cardew voltmeter, a fine platinum-silver wire, having a resistance of about 300 ohms, is stretched in a tube or upon a frame contained in a tube.
If the wire has a resistance of 300 ohms and is connected to two points differing in potential by 100 volts, the instrument passes a current of one-third of an ampere and takes up 33 watts in power.
The Resistance R Was About 9 Ohms, And The Potential Difference E Was Varied From Three To Six Clark Cells, Giving A Rate Of Heat Supply About 2 To 6 Watts.
In series with this set of coils is another set, S, which forms a measuring arm, the resistances of which are generally I, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, Zoo, 300, 400, woo, 2000, 3000, 4000 ohms. The junction between each pair of coils is connected as above described to a block, the blocks being interconnected by plugs all of which are made interchangeable.
The balance is adjusted by shunting either AD or BD with a box, S, containing 20 to Ioo ohms. All the wires in the quadrilateral must be of the same metal as AB, to avoid accidental thermoelectric effects which would obscure the result.
In this picture the normalized impedance of the SMITH chart is 200 ohms.
Now we see why coaxial cable is often designed to have 75 ohms characteristic impedance.
Standard structured UTP or FTP cabling systems have a nominal impedance of 100 ohms.
In common with most good Yagi designs, these antennas are ' matched ' to the standard 50 ohms input impedance of radio-tracking receivers.
I don't want someone to go take 10 ohms and die or anything as my funeral suit is in the dry cleaners.
The Capacitor Wizard has measured 25 ohms ESR in circuit.
Below a few ohms the accuracy is not very good.
This is 47 followed by three zeros, that is 47000 or 47K ohms.
High Impedance Mic A microphone designed to be fed into an amplifier with input impedance greater than 20 k ohms.
It also has a small inductive reactance, of about 11 ohms.
The Bassman 250 HD Head delivers 250 watts (at 4 ohms) of full-size sound!
If the insulation per mile, i.e., the total insulation multiplied by the mileage of the wire loop, is found to be less than 200,000 ohms, the wire is considered to be faulty.
The actual speed or rate of signalling is given approximately by the formula, S = 120/ (KR), where S is the number of words per minute, R the total resistance of the conductor in ohms, and K the total capacity in farads.
A measure of this resistance to current flow is given by the capacitative reactance Xc which has units of Ohms.
E.g. With a voltage of 10v and a resistance of 100 ohms, the current will be 0.1 amp.
An ohms meter is also very handy for checking and or fault finding the stator plates.
For best op-amp compatibility, the thermistor resistance should be above about 1000 ohms.
Purple Ohms are the most potent trippy capsules available in the UK.
The Bassman 250 HD Head delivers 250 watts (at 4 ohms) of full-size sound !
When you test the leads, the reading should begin with a low ohms number and gradually rise toward INFINITY.
This replaces the Sanskrit chants and "ohms" with chants that glorify Jesus.
The electromotive force of each cell is i 07 volts and the resistance 3 ohms. The Fuller bichromate battery consists of an outer jar containing a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, in which a plate of hard carbon is immersed; in the jar there is also a porous pot containing dilute sulphuric acid and a small quantity (2 oz.) of mercury, in which stands a stout zinc rod.