In an offensive manner.
Had he expected to live he could not have said those words in that offensively cold tone.
Most lesbians and their allies find the song offensively misogynistic and homophobic.
The French frontier, and to a less extent the Russian, were organized offensively.
The lady on the desk was a little curt, but not offensively so, probably just her way!
For the most part, you still won't be wearing these items in public, as they are usually offensively revealing.
However, over time her powers matured, allowing her to create powerful force fields that she could use defensively and offensively.
It is perhaps easy to understand how, in the crisis of 1640, when the ethico-political system of Hobbes first took written shape, a peace-loving philosopher should regard the claims of individual conscience as essentially anarchical, and dangerous to social well-being; but however strong might be men's yearning for order, a view of social duty, in which the only fixed positions were selfishness everywhere and unlimited power somewhere, could not but appear offensively paradoxical.