The state of being obese due to an excess of body fat.
His obesity did not cause any abatement of activity when next he took the field.
Obesity can be caused by stress related eating.
Heart disease, cancer and stroke are also caused by or aggravated by obesity.
Adiposity or obesity occurs when we have an excessive amount of fat stored in the normal connective-tissue areas of adipose tissue.
The ' big ' factor is a part of the obesity epidemic, " she adds.
Comment This study makes explicit the decreased life expectancy associated with obesity.
They stay in better shape over the long-term while homemakers have a higher chance of obesity and ill-health, a study has found.
Recent achievements include the identification of circuits that control body weight homeostasis, which could provide novel targets for the treatment of obesity.
Obesity also plays an important role in the cause of some common diseases - including diabetes mellitus.
The epidemic of obesity is followed by an epidemic of obesity is followed by an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes.
It brings spiritual poverty, obesity, social isolation, covert competition, satiation, heartlessness and periodic nervous breakdown.
Table 2 deals with the treatments for other features of PCOS including hirsutism, irregular or absent periods and obesity.
The government has highlighted its concern over increasing levels of obesity in children.
Untreated stress contributes to several serious health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease.
There are many different ways you can live a healthy lifestyle, and avoid adolescent obesity in your children.
Over the past century, diet related health problems like hypertension, obesity, cancer, and diabetes have increased in humans.
Alcohol or drug intoxication, delirium, obesity and respiratory problems (asthma among them) can increase the risk of positional asphyxia.
Obesity seems to increase the risk of advanced liver disease in heavy drinkers.
Section 3 presents trends in the prevalence of both obesity and overweight (including obese) among children aged 2-10.
While it is a big problem in America, obesity is one of the few health disorders than can be easily cured.
Obesity was the cause of 18 million days of sickness absence in England in 1998.
Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat in the body - it does not just mean being overweight.
Greene has made it his mission to ride forth and battle the obesity ogre that's threatening us!
Obesity is a major risk factor for snoring.
They may still be used in the most extreme cases of obesity but are no longer routinely prescribed for this purpose.
While almost everyone loves to dine on popcorn, with all the focus on obesity and fat, many people also want to start eating better foods.
This increase is closely tied with the rising obesity rate in the United States.Exercise specifically helps prevent your body from the resisting the effects of insulin to control blood sugar in several ways.
During its continuance fat is absorbed from the subcutaneous tissue, and patients become very much thinner, so that it not only lessens flatulence, but reduces obesity.
He was now nearly sixty, wearied by adversity, and a sufferer from gout and obesity.
Obesity is a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of excessive fat impairs health.
Obesity In people who are overweight, the fat in their abdominal cavity exerts more pressure on the stomach.
Diseases affecting the hypothalamus In contrast, damage to the hypothalamus often leads to frank obesity.
Researchers hypothesized that fatty acids are an important mediator in the development of obesity and CVD.
McDonald's scored a landmark victory when a US judge yesterday dismissed a lawsuit that blamed the fast food chain for causing obesity.
The new research areas ranged from the etiology of protein-energy malnutrition in The Gambia to obesity in the UK.
This toolkit has been designed to provide a starting point for developing a local strategy to tackle overweight and obesity.
Obesity due to overfeeding is a common problem in captive reptiles.
The waters are used in cases of liver affections, gout, diabetes and obesity; and the patients must conform during the cure to a strictly regulated diet.
Girls who are themselves restrained eaters or skip meals are more likely to develop obesity than not.
Furthermore this target may selectively reduce the intake of snack foods, a significant contributor to obesity, without altering hunger or satiety signals.
The causes are the same old suspects - too little fiber, saturated fat, cholesterol and obesity.
Roehampton graduate Yvonne Wake, reached the shortlist for a prestigious national nutrition award in recognition of her project on childhood obesity.
This is a patented product which is under development as an appetite suppressant for the treatment of obesity and related conditions.
A genome-wide scan for human obesity genes reveals a major susceptibility locus on chromosome 10.
Obesity can be linked to high uric acid levels in the blood.
Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
I emailed the wright foundation and asked who taught on the Obesity course and got a rather vague reply that they were experts !
Breastfed babies may have lower rates of obesity than their formula fed counterparts, as reported by a 2006 article in the New York Times.
Obesity in cats can lead to early death and rapid aging, not to mention a whole host of other health problems.
Dietary/health concerns - Wellness has formulas designed to address several of the most common health concerns cats face, such as obesity and urinary tract problems.