A tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point, frequently used as a monument.
(of a dragonfly) To adopt the obelisk posture; to point the tip of the abdomen towards the sun.
A symbol resembling a horizontal line (–), sometimes together with one or two dots (for example, ⨪ or ÷), which was used in ancient manuscripts and texts to mark a word or passage as doubtful or spurious, or redundant; an obelisk.
A dagger symbol (†), which is used in printed matter as a reference mark to refer the reader to a footnote, marginal note, etc.; beside a person's name to indicate that the person is deceased; or beside a date to indicate that it is a person's death date; an obelisk.
Neuserre of the Vth Dynasty appears to have been in the shape of a stumpy obelisk on a vast scale, only the base now remains, but hieroglyphic pictures, indicate this form.
Beyond the railway station stands the obelisk to the memory of Ewen Maclachlan (1775-1822), the Gaelic poet, who was born in the parish.
Mead, and consists of a granite obelisk 121 ft.
Jenn gazed at the obelisk that rose into the sky.
Touch the obelisk, Yully said into her thoughts.
The obelisk was twenty feet away.
The earliest temple obelisk still in position is that of Senwosri I.
The largest obelisk known is that in the piazza of St John Lateran at Rome;.
The origin of the obelisk may be sought in sacred upright stones set up in honour of gods and dead, like the menhirs, and the Semitic Massebahs and bethels.
In front of the bestpreserved obelisk is a raised altar with holes sunk in it apparently to receive the blood of the sacrifice to the ancestors.
A marble obelisk marks the spot where the 21st Lancers made a charge.
A granite obelisk commemorates the battle, but the religious meetings that used to take place on the anniversary are no longer held.
Showing part of the ruins, with just an archway standing and a small obelisk behind.
They passed the obelisk marked with the White God's lineage.
Darian lowered himself to the ground and sat, draping his elbows loosely over his knees as he gazed at the obelisk.
The magic of the immortal world would continue to record their children and grandchildren on the obelisk.
He roused himself and trotted down the hill, towards the obelisk.
In his time as White God, the obelisk had been the source and seat of power for the White Gods in the immortal world.
He knelt and then hunched to see the names at the very bottom of the small obelisk.
I took back the marker of my family and buried it at their obelisk.
Both of you, go to the obelisk.
He felt nothing, except concern for those fighting guardsmen at the obelisk.
He started away from her towards the obelisk.
She ran hard, spotting Yully and Charles fighting back-to-back at the base of the obelisk.
Yully's hair blazed like a fire, her skin as pale as the obelisk.
She eased back a step, closer to the obelisk.
It glanced off the obelisk.
From the corner of her eye, she saw the first of another group of guardsmen rushing the obelisk.
Jenn rolled and slammed into the obelisk.
Darian snatched Jenn's hand and pulled her around to the other side of the obelisk.
The air grew more charged, humming with magic from god and obelisk.
The guardsmen stared past her, and Jenn turned at last, horrified to see the obelisk teetering.
Yully's hands were on Darian's back, and magic flowed from the world around them, through her, combining with his power before he shoved it into the obelisk.
The trail entered another dark thatch of forest, and she arrived soon at the agreed upon meeting place, a meadow marked with a single obelisk.
In 1208 he destroyed the ancestral castle of Wittelsbach, the site of which is now marked by a church and an obelisk.
In ascending the river a stranger's eye is first caught by the numerous huge ice-houses with high thatched roofs and by a tall white tower - the T'ien-feng-t'a or Ning-po pagoda or obelisk - which rises to a height of 160 ft.
The Swedish reformers of the 16th century, Olaus and Laurentius Petri, are commemorated by an obelisk.
The territory of Damascus was devastated, and Jehu of Samaria (whose ambassadors are represented on the Black Obelisk now in the British Museum) sent tribute along with the Phoenician cities.
Shalmaneser died soon afterwards in 823 B.C. He had built a palace at Calah, and the annals of his reign are engraved on an obelisk of black marble which he erected there.
Near it an obelisk commemorates the departure of George IV.
The principal places of interest on the banks of the Earn are Dunira, the favourite seat of Henry Dundas, ist Viscount Melville, who took the title of his barony from the estate and to whose memory .an obelisk was raised on the adjoining hill of Dunmore; the village of Comrie; the town of Crieff; the ruined castle of Innerpeffray, founded in 1610 by the ist Lord Maderty, close to which is the library founded in 1691 by the 3rd Lord Maderty, containing some rare black-letter books and the Bible that belonged to the marquess of Montrose; Gascon Hall, now in ruins, but with traditions reaching back to the days of Wallace; Dupplin Castle, a fine Tudor mansion, seat of the earl of Kinnoull, who derives from it the title of his viscounty; Aberdalgie, Forgandenny and Bridge of Earn, a health resort situated amidst picturesque surroundings.
Colonel James Gardiner was mortally wounded after an heroic stand, and an obelisk in the grounds of his house at Bankton, close to the battlefield, commemorates his valour, while the ballad of Adam Skirving (1719-1803), "Hey, Johnnie Cope!"
Under this hall is a chamber, which, as an inscription on its walls shows, served as a treasury in the 2nd century B.C. In front of this temple an obelisk was erected in the reign of Claudius, fragments of which still exist.
In the XIIth Dynasty there is the celebrated red granite obelisk of Heliopolis, one of a pair erected by Senwosri (Senusert) I.
The great temple of Karnak had existed since the XIth Dynasty or earlier, but the existing structure was begun under Tethmosis (Tahutmes) I., and two of the great pylons and one obelisk of his remain in place.
One obelisk being overthrown and broken we can examine the minute treatment of the upper part, which was nearly a hundred feet from the ground.
Of his work at Heliopolis there remain the obelisks of London and New York; and from Elephantine is the obelisk at Sion House.
The obelisk of Heliopolis is amongst his best-known monuments, and the damming of the Lake of Moeris (q.v.) must have been in progress in his reign.
On the esplanade stands an obelisk to Henry Bell, the pioneer of steam navigation, who died at Helensburgh in 1830.
At Annonay there is an obelisk in honour of the brothers Montgolfier, inventors of the balloon, who were natives of the place.