The compass point halfway between north and west, bearing 315°, abbreviated as NW.
Of or pertaining to the northwest; northwestern.
Towards the northwest; northwestwards.
From the northwest, northwesterly
Stay away from the southeast and northwest street corners.
On the 3rd of September Henry Hudson, in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, entered New York Bay in the " Half Moon " in search of the " northwest passage."
The natural harbour, which, with a depth diminishing from 70 to 30 fathoms, strikes in from the northwest so as to cut the island into two fairly equal portions, with an isthmus not more than 14 m.
The largest, Commissioner's Salt Pan, in the arid northwest district, is 18 to 20 m.
The Gurgan rises on the Armutlu plateau in Khorasan east of Astarabad, and enters the Caspian in 37 4 N., northwest of Astarabad, after a course of about 200 m.
Khorasan to the Perso-Afghan border, its western limit being indicated by a long line to the northwest from near Shiraz, taking in the whole upper country to the Russian frontier and the Elburz; (2) the provinces south and south-west of the Caspian; (3) a narrow strip of wooded country south-west of the Zagros range, from the Diyala River in Turkey in Asia to Shiraz; (4) the Persian side of the Shatt-el-Arab, and Aralictan, east of the Tigris; and (5) the shores of the Persian Gulf and Baluchistan.
The north and north-west portions of the lower peninsula - including the counties of Roscommon and Missaukee, parts of Wexford and Ogemaw, and those to the north and northwest of these - are occupied by a rolling plateau which attains an elevation at its highest point, north of its centre, of upwards of 1100 ft.
After some delay, King John took the field in force against the enemy, who were still harassing the northwest of his territory.
On the west side lies Lago Superiore, on the east side Lago Inferiore - the boundary between the two being marked by the Argine del Mulino, a long mole stretching northward from the northwest angle of the city to the citadel.
It lies principally in the middle part of the basin of the river Ouse, which, entering in the northwest, traverses the rich and beautiful Vale of Bedford with a serpentine course past the county town of Bedford to the northeastern corner near St Neots.
In 1579 the Englishman, Francis Drake, came to this region seeking a route home by way of the Northwest Passage, and in his futile quest he seems to have gone as far north as 43 0.1 He took possession of the country in the name of Queen Elizabeth and called it Albion.
To the northwest of the town is the Gothic church of a former Benedictine monastery, dating from 1514-1525, with a tower of 1897.
The transportation of the wheat from the fields of the northwest to the seaport is a business of tremendous magnitude.
In the northwest the Drina flows for 102 m.
With St Paul, which is served by the same system of railways, Minneapolis is the chief railway centre of the Northwest and one of the greatest in the United States, being the principal gateway to the commerce of the Canadian and Pacific northwest.
Seven miles south-west of the limits of the city is Lake Minnetonka, one of the most famous summer resorts in the Northwest, a beautiful body of water 15 m.
The proximity of the rich wheatfields of the northwest, and the extensive timber forests, have made Minneapolis the greatest lumber and flour centre in the world.
Physical FeaturesThe coast-line on the north and northwest is everywhere steep and rocky.
The anarchy which broke out in the northwest, the kingdom now called Leon, on the death of Ramiro II.
Antelope were not uncommon in the west and northwest until after 1890.
The Pathans include all the strongest and most warlike tribes of the NorthWest frontier of India, such as the Afridis, Orakzais, Waziris, Mohmands, Swatis and many other clans.
Lumber interests, however, are of most importance, and here are some of the largest lumber plants in the Pacific Northwest.
The national weather forecast on TV was calling for light snow in Northwest Arkansas.
Early May was still tornado season in northwest Arkansas, but this storm was forecasted to be only a flash flood threat.
When he felt calm again, he Traveled to the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, where four feet of snow covered the ground.
Moreover, Norway has a vested interest in helping to reduce the extensive environmental problems affecting the geographically adjacent area of Northwest Russia.
The low resistance anomaly in the northwest survey area is likely to be an effect of a large tree.
North West Vision is the regional screen agency for England's Northwest.
His later date is also based on the discovery of Egyptian amulets in the tombs northwest of Jericho.
Sefton Coast Sefton Sefton Coast is a large area of predominantly calcareous dune vegetation in northwest England.
Looking at the map of percentages for lactose absorption in Europe one can see a distinct cline from the northwest to the south east.
The two exceptions, Risso's dolphin and white-beaked dolphin, were observed over the continental shelf, northwest of the Isle of Lewis.
Also composing brass fanfares for the Duchess of Kent, and odd ditties for BBC Northwest Nationwide.
This program will examine the dog racing fraternity in Ireland, particularly in the northwest.
In northwest European waters, several thousand northern fulmars are probably killed each year in these fisheries.
On the west and the northwest side, there is a narrow gulch that has partly damaged the complex.
The trees fell across the lane toward the north and northwest, so that the road was rendered totally impassable for some weeks.
However, during the Ipswichian interglacial a rising sea filled The Wash, the large embayment bordering northwest Norfolk.
The westbound bus stop service is now located within the new lay-by, on the northwest side of the Floral Clock Gardens.
It represents Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand in northwest England and southwest Scotland.
Lightning Ridge, to the northwest, is a frontier town where the world's only source of black opal is to be found.
From northwest Wales it's a colonial outpost of the English empire - governmental, stern, alien, nothing to do with them.
Do I need to obtain a permit to film in the Northwest of England?
The surface of the basalt plateau is rolling, with a series of broad ridges aligned northwest to southeast.
We believe we have found the main temple precinct just northwest of the theater, across a street dividing the two.
The vigorous depression will drift away northwards, leaving winds mostly coming from the northwest quadrant.
Joe Cline specializes in lost creek, davenport, rob Roy, northwest hills, great hills, lake austin.
Ben Nevis Highland Ben Nevis is representative of high altitude siliceous scree in the northwest Scottish Highlands.
The first race started in a very shifty 15 knots coming from the Northwest.
A northern spur of the state, the Northwest Angle, contains a portion of Lake of the Woods.