A philosophy that rejects the use of violence, and instead seeks to bring about change through peaceful responses even to violent acts.
Parents can teach children nonviolence by controlling their own tempers.
Black people had been taught nonviolence; it was deep in us.
He also linked Gandhian principled nonviolence with the pragmatic nonviolent direct action of the syndicalists.
One is the approach of pure nonviolence, which cannot readily or easily attract large masses, for it requires extraordinary discipline and courage.
How did the samurai square their occupations with the general Buddhist principle of nonviolence?
By using nonviolence you are showing a kind of strength that overcomes injustice, which can only be maintained with violence.
In May, theologian Walter Wink led an exploration of the theology of active nonviolence.
Mr. President, is that we cannot successfully preach nonviolence at home while we escalate mass violence abroad.