A sound, gesture, etc. that is not a word.
(of communication) in a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions or body language.
(grammar, somewhat rare) of or relating to a word that belongs to any part of speech other than that of verbs
Unable to speak.
You can find all of these types of nonverbal communication in the book, Dating Decoder, along with drawings taken from real situations that show body language in dating situations.
Their nonverbal exchange made Deidre smile.
Consisting of questions and short tasks arranged from easy to difficult, the Stanford-Binet measures a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal skills.
It helps parents to understand and respond appropriately to baby's nonverbal cues.
We had a great conversation and he showed nonverbal and verbal signs of interest.
Understanding the types of nonverbal communication people exhibit can help you understand the difference between what people say and how they really feel.
In nonverbal communication between cultures, the answer is "respectfully."
This includes verbal and nonverbal communication.
Facilitated communication (FC) is an alternative nonverbal communication technique.
Many autistic individuals struggle with emotional cues and nonverbal communication.
The subtle nonverbal exchange was intimate and powerful, enough to tell Gabriel that there was a side to Darkyn only his mate knew.
Nonverbal cues crucial buck you put which qualify a opening a card.
The only symptom in a nonverbal patient, such as an infant, may be that the child is fussier than usual.
During the early stages of treatment, nonverbal communication such as pointing, nodding, and use of pictures to express needs, can be encouraged and rewarded.
Delays in language and cognitive areas may suggest a neurodevelopment diagnosis that presents as a nonverbal learning disability.
One more thing about guys, they aren't good at picking up the subtle nonverbal clues about feelings the way girls can.
The following are ways that cultures differ through nonverbal expressions.
Where you meet someone is also nonverbal communication.
Children with Asperger disorder are often clumsy; their neuropsychological profiles display significantly stronger verbal skills than nonverbal abilities.
Understanding each other's nonverbal cues and responding appropriately is essential to preserving the bonding experiences that build healthy attachments.
Either of these two possibilities may show up in your verbal and nonverbal communication with the opposite sex.
Body language is a nonverbal form of communication, displayed by facial expressions, stances, and gestures.
In this expert interview with Maryann Karinch, learn about nonverbal communication as it relates to dating and learn how you can use it to improve your relationships.
Her experience in giving and responding to nonverbal cues in the context of performances prepared her for her work in the field of nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication could be gestures, idiosyncratic movements, cultural habits, posture, involuntary physiological responses to stimuli, and "costumes and scenery."
Knowing something about nonverbal communication will sharpen your perception that someone may have emotion or attraction not expressed verbally.
This goes for dress, too, which is part of nonverbal communication.
We have certain instinctive abilities to read nonverbal communication when we are very young, but many of them are smothered by what we're taught.
These include significant impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction skills, along restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.
People with classic autism may not be able to interpret nonverbal cues, such as gestures, body posture, or facial expression.
Stephen was nonverbal until the age of four, and doctors suggested that he be put in an institution.
If the autistic child is nonverbal, one goal often needed is the development and mastery of a form of nonverbal communication.
Learning how to communicate with others may also involve nonverbal communication as well.
Alternative communication methods such as the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) allow nonverbal autistic people to communicate in place of a spoken language.
With practice, even a nonverbal child can learn how to recognize and reciprocate most facial expressions.
Despite this fact, hundreds of people with autism claim it is an effective nonverbal communication technique.
Therapists also can teach nonverbal autistic children alternative communication methods, such as the Picture Card Exchange Communication System (PECS) or sign language.
The Test of Nonverbal Intelligence is a quick, language-free measure of cognitive ability in children aged five years and older.
Children with developmental language disorder have an inconsistency between their cognitive functioning (nonverbal or performance measures) and their language skills.
Most children can work toward some level of improvement.For communication improvement, one of the key developmental needs is understanding and using nonverbal communication.
A person diagnosed on the autism spectrum has difficulty understanding social interactions, especially subtle nuances of nonverbal communication, figurative language, and humor.
The most distinctive feature of the Wechsler tests is their division into a verbal section and a nonverbal (or performance) section, with separate scores available for each subsection.
Individuals with classic autism can have symptoms that include substantial delays in speech and language, with a small percentage of affected individuals remaining entirely nonverbal.
Though some may fear that allowing nonverbal communication will enable the mutism to continue, many therapists believe it is a necessary step for most children with mutism to overcome their communication anxiety in a step-by-step manner.
The Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental Tests (MPSMT) is widely used as a nonverbal test for assessing visual-spatial skills in children aged one year and six months to six years.
Unless you're flirting with someone you know very well, or are in a situation where a wink seems to be particularly appropriate, it's generally not a good idea to risk using this type of nonverbal signal.