A spirit in Burmese mythology, whose cult is followed alongside Buddhism.
A logarithmic unit of information or entropy, based on natural logarithms.
The egg of a louse.
A young louse.
A head louse regardless of its age.
A fool, a nitwit.
A nitpicker.
A minor shortcoming.
A candela per square meter.
This brightness of this LCD screen is between 900 and 1000 nits.
Other than those minor nits - well done, David!
Their white nits can be seen on hair shafts close to the skin.
The combs 33 teeth remove and destroy even the very smallest nits without pulling, cutting or hurting the hair.
Nursery u nits 11 infant and primary schools in Medway have attached nursery classes providing nursery education for three and four year-olds.
Female lice lay their eggs in sacs called nits that are about 0.04 in (1 mm) long and are glued to shafts of hair close to the scalp.
Occasionally the nits are attached to body hair.
Body lice nits are oval and yellow to white in color.
Definite diagnosis requires identification of lice or their nits.
Since less than 20 mature lice may be present at a given time during infestation, the nits often are easier to spot.
Nits vary in color from grayish-white to yellow, brown, or black.
Body lice appear similar to head lice; however, they burrow into the skin and are rarely seen except on clothing where they lay their nits in seams.
Oval-shaped head lice nits can be distinguished from dandruff because they are glued at an angle to the hair shaft, whereas flat, irregularly shaped flakes of dandruff shake off easily.
Before beginning any treatment, parents should test a small scalp section for allergic reactions to the medication, use a vinegar rinse to help loosen nits, and wash hair with regular shampoo.
Infested eyebrows should be treated with petroleum jelly for several days and the nits should be plucked off with tweezers or fingernails.
Pediculicides do not kill nits, so nit removal and a second application in seven to 10 days are required.
Hair and pubic lice nits must be removed manually to prevent re-infestation as the eggs hatch.
Head lice nits are removed by combing through each hair section from scalp to tip.
Between each passing, the comb should be dipped in water and wiped with a paper towel to remove lice and nits.
Nits also can be manually removed with any fine-toothed comb, including pet flea combs, a specialized nit comb (LiceMeister, LiceOut), a battery-powered vibrating or anti-static comb, tweezers, baby safety scissors, and fingernails.
Hair should be checked weekly for lice and nits.
Simply washing your hair will not kill nits; they can survive in water for more than 24 hours.
Also, ask yourself what do nits look like and become familiar with the telltale symptoms of head lice so that you know how to identify and treat the problem before you have chronic head lice conditions.
No matter which route you choose to take, you'll need a metal comb to get the nits out.
You will also need to have someone inspect the hair every few days to make sure all the nits are gone.
The eggs, laid on the hairs, and known as "nits," hatch in about eight days, and the lice are full grown in about a month.
The pair sat for hours in Knowsley Safari Park, picking nits out of each other's hair.
They lay eggs, called nits, which they stick to the shafts of your hair with a very strong glue.
You can work out when the lice first moved in by judging how many centimeters from the scalp you find the nits.
Which is not to say that I don't have some nits to pick.
If your children get nits, what kind of treatment do you reach for first?
These combs resemble those used up to the present day for removing nits from the hair.
Body lice lay their nits in clothing or bedding.