The cardinal number occurring after eighty-nine and before ninety-one, represented in Roman numerals as XC and in Arabic numerals as 90.
She was ninety eight percent human.
That's eighty or ninety miles.
My father lived to be ninety years old, and he never went on no fat diet.
That eighty percent went to ninety nine.
No act takes effect until ninety days after its passage unless two-thirds of the members of each house specifically order otherwise.
Ninety years after Salamis and Plataea, the goal for which Xerxes had striven was actually attained, and the kings will was law in Greece.
The Constitution provides that the number of senators shall not be more than forty nor less than thirty-three, and that the number of delegates shall not be more than one hundred nor less than ninety.
In 1835 Keble's father died at the age of ninety, and soon after this his son married Miss Clarke, left Fairford, and settled at Hursley vicarage in Hampshire, a living to which he had been presented by his friend and attached pupil, Sir William Heathcote, and which continued to be Keble's home and cure for the remainder of his life.
Fleury's great age (he died still in office at the age of ninety) prevented him from really controlling the policy of France and of Europe.
Early in life he went to Megara in Sicily, and after its destruction by Gelo (484) removed to Syracuse, where he spent the rest of his life at the court of Hiero, and died at the age of ninety or (according to a statement in Lucian, Macrobii, 25) ninety-seven.
In 1895 the number of nominated life peers was reduced to ninety and the elective branch was abolished.
Congress meets annually and its sessions are for sixty days, which may be extended to ninety days.
Diodorus Siculus tells us that he died at the age of ninety; others make him as much as twenty years older.
But it was not till ninety years later that it emerged into history.
Elementary education has proceeded with great rapidity, and there are ninety public elementary shools in the city, twenty-three ecclesiastical gratuitous schools and many evangelical schools at a very small payment.
In all ninety islands with a total area of over 156 sq.
The legislative branch consists of a senate and chamber of deputies, which meets at Bogota biennially (after 1908) on February 1st for an ordinary session of ninety days.
The Gulf of Venezuela, with its towns of Maracaibo and Gibraltar, were attacked and plundered under the command of a Frenchman named L'0110nois, who performed, it is said, the office of executioner upon the whole crew of a Spanish vessel manned with ninety seamen.
Such a petition must be filed within ninety days after the adjournment of the session in which the act was passed.
Similarly IX, XL and XC were written for nine, forty and ninety respectively.
At the age of ninety he was wounded in a duel by a Hungarian nobleman, Michael Szilagyi, and died of his wound on the 24th of December 1457.
The period of gestation in the female is ninety days, after which she produces - usually at the end of June - a single young one which is able at once to follow its mother.
This dynasty lasted about ninety years; it was supplanted by that of the Abbasids, who removed the seat of empire to Mesopotamia; and Damascus passed through a period of unrest in which it was captured and ravaged by Egyptians, Carmathians and Seljuks in turn.
A state board of charities has supervision over all philanthropic and penal institutions in the state, including hospitals, which numbered 103 in 1907; and the board visits the almshouses supported by seventy-eight (of the 168) towns of the state, and investigates and supervises the provision made for the town poor in the other ninety towns of the state; some, as late as 1906, were, with the few paupers maintained by the state, cared for in a private almshouse at Tariffville, which was commonly known as the " state almshouse.
My understanding was limited to knowing zero degrees latitude began at the equator and increased to ninety degrees at the poles.
Gabriel suspected there was nothing on the planet that might make her interested in an option that currently stood at failure rate of ninety nine percent.
Nine pounds for ninety pages on a film you might have trouble finding at even the most diligently cataloged video shop often seems extravagant.
According to the findings of the federal grand jury, Ninety bullets were fired inside the apartment.
Ninety per cent of patients with headache have either tension headache or migraine.
Day after day there was a steady, quiet hum for the ninety minutes the teacher worked and the children played.
A blend of ten percent ethanol fuel and ninety percent methanol powered the Honda engines in 2006.
Ninety per cent of the time the Plumose Anemone can be tricked into consuming large fragments of boiled mussel or similar foods.
It had an aisled nave with eleven bays, which extended over ninety meters.
Writing is actually ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.
Ninety per cent are granted, although often with strict provisos.
Ninety percent of them go straight to the biggest dealership and buy station wagons or off-road vehicles.
They were angry yet thoughtful, and managed to maintain a fascinating conversation about the whole debacle for over ninety minutes.
Ninety per cent of all black truffles in Italy come from Umbria.
Years of age ninety percent of in states corporate wrongdoing has.
The first and the second parts are wholly the work of Aquinas, but of the third part only the first ninety quaestiones are his; the rest of it was finished in accordance with his designs.
Since 1874 the aim has been to bestow suffrage on all male citizens who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years and shall have been inhabitants of the state for one year, but for the protection of the ballot citizenship for ninety days, 2 residence in the county for four months, and in the election district for thirty days next preceding the election are required.
If an angle is a complement to another, that means they add up to ninety degrees.
Ninety percent of sudden infant death syndrome cases have occurred by six months of age.
Purchase Protection - Items you purchase with the Plum Card are protected against theft or accidental damage for up to ninety days from the date of purchase at no additional charge.
Return Protection - If you return an item within ninety days of purchase and the merchant won't take it back, American Express will refund the full purchase price, up to $300 per item.
The average hybrid produces between sixty and ninety horsepower, or about half of what a traditional gas guzzling engine does.
Whether you have several years of sobriety under your belt, or are just trying to piece together ninety meetings in ninety days, saying no when a family member offers you a beer or a narcotic can be quite a battle.
Nobody likes wearing a stuffy shirt and dress pants, especially during scorching ninety degree days, but if you happen to be an intern at an office, you just might.
Don't suffer a heat stroke because you wore a winter dress in ninety degree heat.
Then, once we receive your claims you will be sent a check for reimbursement, up to ninety percent of your plan's Benefit Schedule allowance, minus a $50.00 per incident deductible.