A small lizard-like amphibian in the family Salamandridae that lives in the water as an adult.
Newt having stirred Ripley's maternal instincts, it's the Battle of the Enraged Mothers.
But for its large size - it grows to a length of eleven inches - it is a nearly exact image of the British newt larvae.
But the alien queen has hitched a ride on the landing craft, and just when Ripley and Newt have finished tucking the wounded Hicks into a hypersleep pod, she emerges to continue the battle.
The common also has a number of ponds, some of which contain the Nationally protected Great-crested newt.
Soon it is down to Ripley, Newt, the android Bishop (played by Lance Henriksen) and Corporal Hicks (Michael Beihn, who also played soldier of the future Kyle Reese in Cameron's earlier Terminator) to get away.
The newt tadpole looks more like the adult form, unlike frog or toad juveniles which do not.
Here, then, was Taylor's opportunity for exemplifying the wise toleration he had in other days inculcated, but the newt bishop had nothing to offer the Presbyterian clergy but the bare alternative - submission to episcopal ordination and jurisdiction or deprivation.
Urodele amphibians such as the newt can regenerate their limbs, jaws, lens, retina and large sections of the heart.
Yet before they can effect their escape, Hicks is wounded and Newt is captured by the Queen Alien.
Kop6Aos, signifying lizard and newt; with reduplication Kopcop?uXos, and by metathesis ultimately KpoKOSetXos.
It is absurd to call the larva of a newt or of a Caecilian a tadpole, nor is the free-swimming embryo of a frog as it leaves the egg a tadpole.