A doctor or scientist who practices or specializes in neurology.
A neurologist will evaluate the situation, usually with a CT scan.
A neurologist is very helpful in treating central sleep apnea, a relatively rare form of the nighttime breathing problem that involves the disruption of signals from the brain to the respiratory system.
Medical treatment is a multidisciplinary team effort often involving the pediatrician, a neurosurgeon, a rhematologist, and a neurologist.
A neurologist is another specialist that may be able to help.
Dr. Fishman is a neurologist who works with patients to diagnose and treat sleep apnea.
Speech and language disorders are usually diagnosed by a speech and language pathologist, often with the help of a pediatrician, audiologist (hearing specialist), and neurologist.
If the child was bitten severely on the head, the emergency room doctor will call in a neurologist for consultation, particularly if the eyes, ears, or neck were injured or the skull was penetrated.
Individuals with developmental delay or birth defects may be referred to a clinical geneticist for genetic testing or to a developmental pediatrician or neurologist for evaluation and diagnosis of FAS.
The disorder is sometimes called Gélineau's syndrome because it was first identified in 1880 by the French neurologist Jean-Baptiste Gélineau.
Parents who suspect that their child may have narcolepsy should consult a specialist (usually a pediatric neurologist) and have the child tested in a sleep clinic.
If pallid breath holding spells are frequent and severe, a preventative anti-cholinergic medicine such as atropine sulfate may be prescribed, in consultation with a neurologist or cardiologist.
In some cases, a follow-up visit may be scheduled, or the doctor may refer the child to a child psychiatrist or neurologist for further observation.
Diagnosis of these disorders usually requires consultation and assessment by a specialist in childhood developmental disorders, such as a child psychiatrist, pediatric neurologist, neuropsychologist, or developmental child psychologist.
It is estimated that a neurologist (a physician who specializes in nerve and brain disorders) sees five patients with PCS per month.
A psychoeducational assessment should be performed by a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropsychologist, or learning specialist.
Carl Wernicke, a German neurologist, identified another region in the left hemisphere that was responsible for language comprehension.
If no organic problem can be found, a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropsychologist, or learning specialist is typically consulted to perform a comprehensive AD/HD assessment.
Cohen is a Cleveland Clinic pediatric neurologist and the former president of the Mitochondrial Medicine Society.
Neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller found evidence of a possible connection between savantism and left hemisphere brain damage, which resulted in the right brain hemisphere compensating for the left hemisphere impairments.
This difficult question can only be answered by a developmental specialist, neurologist or doctor.
To find out more, ask your neurologist or developmental pediatrician to put you in touch with any studies in your area.
Dr. Hirsch, a board-certified neurologist and claims to be the nation's leading authority on the science of smell and taste.
Before visiting a sleep center, it is often necessary to have an evaluation with a primary care physician, a pulmonary specialist, a neurologist or an ENT specialist for referrals.
The specialist may be a pediatric rheumatologist, cardiologist, neurologist, or specialist in infectious diseases.
Tourette syndrome is also known as Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, named after Gilles de la Tourette, a French neurologist who first described the syndrome in 1885.
If a neurological cause such as brain injury is suspected, the child may be referred to a neurologist or neuropsychologist for testing.
In some cases the doctor may order imaging studies or refer the person to a neurologist to rule out brain tumors, traumatic injuries of the nervous system, epilepsy, or similar physical conditions.
Gio's paying for the best neurologist in the world.
Having the world's best neurologist on call was one of the perks of the rich and famous, a world unfamiliar to her except that her sister had been gunning for it since her sixteenth birthday.
Frustrated, she searched the Internet for Dr. Williams until she found the eminent neurologist, whose picture she recognized.