A promontory; a cape or headland. (Frequently used as a suffix in placenames.)
Much has been written about the impressive ness of Himalayan scenery.
The state's governor there was always is broader which dochfour loch ness.
A lighthouse (50 55' N., o 58' E.) stands on the ness, which has been the scene of many shipwrecks, and has been lighted since the time of James I.
Mention should be made of the pyrope garnet found at Elie Ness.
Under French rule its productive ' ness has been largely increased by the sinking of artesian wells in districts which only required water to make them fertile.
The most remarkable line of them is that which fills up much of the Great Glen, Loch Ness being the largest.
For nearly its full extent, excepting the immediate water-front, and running westward to Van Ness Avenue, a distance of 2 m., the buildings lining it on both sides and covering the adjoining area, a total of some 2000 acres, or 514 blocks, equivalent to s of the city plan, were reduced to ruins in the fire following the earthquake; only a few large buildings of so-called " fire-proof " construction remained standing on the street, and these had their interiors completely " gutted."
In this way many fine mansions on Van Ness Avenue were destroyed, and the westward advance of the conflagration was stopped at Franklin Street, one block west.
East Neuk is a term applied more particularly to the country round Fife Ness, and more generally to all of the peninsula.
In Kesteven the wapentakes of Aswardhurn, Aveland, Beltisloe, Haxwell, Langoe, Loveden, Ness, Winnibriggs, and Grantham Soke have been practically unchanged, but the Domesday wapentakes of Boothby and Graffo now form the wapentake of Boothby Graffo.
Can you send me a picture of the loch ness monster?
Looking for proof of the Loch Ness Monster?
Thought is somewhat late in coming to self-conscious ness.
Within the wells of Celtic folklore, the mystery of Loch Ness has baffled scientists for decades.
A full schedule cast of celebrity loch ness monster shipmates who were.
I finally managed to stop just before the main road - after about a mile - thank good ness!
Observing British ness and British culture and customs is of ongoing interest.
Legend has it that a giant serpent, similar to the Loch Ness Monster, lives in Sweden's fifth largest lake.
The magnificently situated Urquhart Castle, on the banks of Loch Ness, remains an impressive stronghold despite its ruinous state.
There is another sturgeon being kept in captivity in a pond by a heavily bearded and formally unqualified naturalist living near Loch Ness.
On the seaward side of the Ness there is a large ancient earthwork which is attributed to the Norsemen through a reference in the Saxon Chronicle (894) under the name Sceobrig.
The National Trust now own the nearby headland, Sandsend Ness, where there is a delightful nature trail in the old quarry pits.
Legend has it that a giant serpent, similar to the Loch Ness Monster, lives in Sweden 's fifth largest lake.
Finally Fort Augustus is reached, at the southernmost tip of Loch Ness.
The precise location of the initial stage of development of the Ness Pole must be linked to where tidal current velocities start to diminish.
You can also visit the Discovery Kids website for all sorts of gift options related to ghosts, UFOs, Loch Ness, and more.
Aeronaut Skyride - Not so much a ride as a way to travel, this skyride travels between Banbury Cross, Rhinefeld, and Aquitaine areas, over part of the Loch Ness Monster roller coaster.
Loch Ness Monster - A Busch Gardens mainstay, Loch Ness reaches 60 mph, with plenty of loops and a tunnel.
The Loch Ness Monster typically has short lines, so you can jump on this coaster almost any time of day.
Mother 3 shows a young boy -- who bears a striking similarity to Ness, except without a cap -- and a dog in several scenes in the center of the image.
Is this Ness, the star of EarthBound/Mother 2?
Their shirts do look very similar, except this kid doesn't have a hat like how Ness does.
Choose from Mario, Luigi, Ness, Yoshi, Princess Peach, Link, Zelda, Bowser and many more, then enter the arena to begin the brawl!
In the end, 500 city blocks were wiped off the map, most of which lied between the downtown financial district and stretched to the main thoroughfare of Van Ness Avenue.
The hotel is located at 1500 Van Ness Avenue, which is a short stroll from Nob Hill and Pacific Heights.
While not as venerated as the Loch Ness monster, the creature has acquired a cult following, and many a tale of El Chupacabra still causes a collective shiver through those gathered around the campfires and fireplaces of the American West.
The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is an intriguing tale of a mysterious creature living within the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland.
While stories of the Loch Ness Monster seem to ebb and flow within the media, a new sighting or image of Nessie, as the creature is known, is usually all that it takes to prompt a new interest in this old legend.
Images of what may or may not be the Loch Ness Monster have been in circulation since the first photograph was distributed in 1933.
Is the legend of the Loch Ness Monster a true tale, or is it merely a fairy tale that has continued to grow as the result of mass appeal?
There is no Loch Ness Monster whatsoever, and people are either mistaking other things in the water as a monster or are making the stories up.
There is a creature living elusively in Loch Ness and has yet to be classified as a species.
The Loch Ness Monster is a paranormal phenomenon, either as the ghost of a dinosaur, an alien entity or another otherworldly being.
The main appeal of the Loch Ness Monster is that its existence has yet to be proved or disproved.
The legend continues to live on because there is no concrete evidence to conclusively state without a doubt that there is no monster living within Loch Ness.
On the other hand, sonar scans of Loch Ness have been inconclusive with no indisputable evidence pointing to a creature residing within even the deepest depths.
The Loch Ness Monster is one of many mysterious creatures that are thought to inhabit the Earth just like Sasquatch and the Chupacabra.
Legends, myths and stories abounded among the locals, but it wasn't until the 1930s that the world paid attention to the Loch Ness Monster.
Today, most scientists believe it impossible that such a large creature could continue to live in the waters of Loch Ness, but others aren't convinced.
The first known reference to a monster in or near Loch Ness, Scotland comes from sixth century legends in which a monster plagued the locals.