To endow with natural qualities.
(in combination) Having or possessing the specified disposition or temperament.
But they are so good natured and friendly, one cannot help liking them.
It was all good natured banter, no malice.
He is such a nice natured horse, he loves attention has a lovely laid back temperament.
She is so sweet, so good- natured, and her position now is a very hard one.
All the exchanges were good natured, though the tension between Donna and Temple appeared to be going strong.
By all reports, Puggles are very good natured dogs that make nice family pets.
As for anything else you ought to be concerned about, I'm just curious about why the other dog's current owner would want to give away a dog that is very sweet and gentle natured.
The Bullmastiff dog breed is one of the more popular large breeds due to these dogs' good natured temperament, affectionate nature and fearless guard dog tendencies.
If one member of the family tends to be more cold natured than others, a space heater that provides a concentrated source of heat may help keep that individual comfortable without overheating the other members of the family.
Aquarius is one of the best natured and people-oriented signs of the zodiac.
In Western culture, fairies portrayed in children stories as little winged creatures are good natured, helpful.
Also worth mentioning was the good natured ribbing given to Donald Angie due to his his foray into the world of male modeling.
Nicholas also noticed that look and, as if understanding it, flushed with pleasure and began to kiss the boy with good natured playfulness.
They are generally good natured, although very stubborn at times, and really enjoy having friends and joining in group activities.