A measure of time equal to one billionth of a second. Abbreviation: ns
In a nanosecond she realized that the snake was going to strike.
Current Junkers avaition watches are fashionable, sleek, and above all, dependable to the nanosecond.
His expression went from confusion to comprehension in a nanosecond.
In a nanosecond she realized that the snake was going to strike Ed.
Independent 250 nanosecond scratchpad stores are used for servicing the multichannels.
In 1997 we are in an era of synchrotrons and nanosecond time-resolved protein crystallography.
Atomic clocks are accurate to the nearest nanosecond - equivalent to losing or gaining one second in about 33 years!
Kinetic studies on the nanosecond timescale are also possible using a laser flash photolysis instrument.
Recombination reaction occurs in a hundred of nanosecond time scale.