An aura of heightened interest, meaning or mystery surrounding a person or thing.
Media hype has invested IT with a very alluring mystique.
Mystery Jets have a little mystique surrounding them, which is great.
Pruning There is a great deal of intimidating mystique about how to prune clematis correctly.
They are the masters of mystique and, once again, have produced a haunting yet essential album.
I knew he had a spotted life before meeting my mother, but I figured he was secretive about his past simply because it gave him a sort of mystique.
This figure, also known as the vesica piscis, is common in ecclesiastical seals and as a glory or aureole in paintings of sculpture, surrounding figures of the Trinity, saints, &c. The figure is, however, sometimes referred to the almond, as typifying virginity; the French name for the symbol is Amande mystique.
Your figure will look leaner, and you will certainly have a bit more mystique hidden underneath that pair of sexy overalls.
He has retained a certain mystique which makes him such a compelling character.
As accountant, we strive to remove the professional mystique that often surrounds accounting systems.
The diamond clarity should be pure and clean, though some individuals may prefer champagne diamonds with minor flaws and inclusions that may resemble champagne bubbles, adding even greater mystique to the unusual color.
Mystique is the seduction Gemini seeks, so don't give away all of your secrets.
This helped create the mystique that the Mounties had among the Canadian people and the rest of the world.
The Tour includes endless fascination, religious mystique and great natural beauty.
School Fees Planning much mystique surrounds the subject of education fees.
Here, at the beginning of his life, he exists in a state of participation mystique.
Sensual Mystique offers a line of beautiful plus size lingerie ranging from super sexy to totally romantic.
If you're lucky enough to have the budget and the jewelry industry connections, your engagement ring could share some of this sparkling mystique.
Journalism is a type of professional writing that has a very romantic mystique associated with it.
In his mystique and oddness, she finds a spark of something she has never felt before.
Have seen a junk rigged riptide, Mystique, for sale on the eog site.
There are many things you can do to add mystique, magic and whimsical touches to your princess room without spending a lot of money.
Deep, dramatic and rich, it is a woodsy, heady blend that characterizes the charming mystique of the seductive male, and is marketed primarily to young men.
You can instantly create all the drama and mystique of gothic makeup with black and charcoal eye colors.
A seascape shower curtain or underwater recreation of fish, seaweed and seashells can add a feeling of mystique to your bathroom.
This in and of itself adds to the prestige and mystique of this popular travel method.
If you memorized lines from Breakfast at Tiffany's, you understand the unique mystique of Tiffany jewelry.
Arachnid fans and those who love the mystique of the Tahitian black pearl will find all types of jewelry to match a pair of jeans or a little black dress.
Sensual Mystique offers plus size wholesale lingerie to those with a business license or a valid resellers license.
Perhaps some of the Silver Oak mystique has dulled over the last several years, but that is primarily with a few critics who don't line up for their six-bottle allocation in February.
However, to truly appreciate the wine country's charm and understand its mystique, a two to three day trip is best.
Although the mystique of dragons has fascinated people since ancient times, determining if a dragon is a Chinese dragon or a Western dragon is sometimes confusing.
From the times of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to the modern peoples of today, the Golden Ratio has remained shrouded in a sense of mystique that is yet to be completely understood by science.
Add volume with the Your Highness collection, define curls with the Curlesque products or stay sleek and chic with the appropriately named Sleek Mystique line.
Alcatraz's grim reputation and mystique began in 1861 with the onset of the U.S. Civil War.
For practicality's sake, the mouth is often open, but many wearers preferred that nothing of their faces be seen to add to the mystique.
Diamonds are forever - those words have become an integral part of a diamond's mystique and its symbolism of lasting, committed relationships.
Pearl gemologists estimate there may be as many as 40 shades of black, from light gray to rich ebony, all of which have deep layers of color and iridescence to add to their mystique.
There are numerous legends and myths surrounding the mystique of how this odd group of animals was selected to depict the Chinese zodiac.
As part of the rich heritage of the Chinese culture, the varied stories of Chinese zodiac origin offer colorful fables that enhance the mystique of this ancient astrological methodology.
The lower back is often shown off when a bathing suit or cropped shirt/Lowrider pants are worn, and so tattoos on the lower back add to the mystique and mystery.
To add to the Barbizon mystique, the company gave their lingerie items romantic names such as "Angel Bendaire."
Unique Lingerie carries retro Hustler lingerie along with selections from Leg Avenue and Sensual Mystique.
Their mystique can be attributed at least in part to the fact that they allow the wearer the ability to be both exposed and covered at the same time.
From the minds of sound designers to your personal electronic device, they are perpetuating the Star Trek mystique.
You may prefer to do like many young parents who are enamored of the mystique of elves and use one of the many online name generators to find the perfect unique name for your little elf.
She was adopted by Mystique and raised as a "villain" - until the day she absorbed the powers and psyche of Ms. Marvel.
For example, X-men movie fans recognize Dr. Jean Grey, Rouge, Storm, and Mystique who are now famous female superheroes on the Marvel Comics list.
And yet, surrounded by the false mystique of technical devices, we readily yield up all possibility of doing it well.
To remove the mystique from computers, the manner in which they operate and the jargon associated with them.
Unlike other insurance brokers, PYV has finally taken the mystique out of captives.