A growth of facial hair between the nose and the upper lip.
Oh, how strange you are with that mustache and those eyebrows!...
The driver, tall, dark-haired and unshaven with a pencil-thin mustache, set down his hamburger.
The guy had black hair and a mustache.
It was the same guy as Delaware and Alabama only the mustache is gone.
He was tall and thin and wore a mustache.
Jonathan was dressed in a dark suit and had a mustache and goatee.
His face with its long mustache was serious as always, only his eyes were brighter than usual.
When the officers had emptied and smashed their glasses, Kirsten filled others and, in shirt sleeves and breeches, went glass in hand to the soldiers' bonfires and with his long gray mustache, his white chest showing under his open shirt, he stood in a majestic pose in the light of the campfire, waving his uplifted arm.
Exactly opposite Weyrother, with his glistening wide-open eyes fixed upon him and his mustache twisted upwards, sat the ruddy Miloradovich in a military pose, his elbows turned outwards, his hands on his knees, and his shoulders raised.
She touched his mustache.
So what if he shaves off the mustache?
He had a Groucho Marx way about him, flicking an eyebrow up and down while fingering a Brillo mustache.
They summarily dismissed his request for a mustache and disguise and refused to give him a gun for protection.
Mustache was Alfred Nota, from Boston, and tic-face was Homer Flanders, from Philadelphia.
He might have a mustache, black hair or a shaved head for all we know, and two and a half million could buy a face-job making him look like Robert Redford.
Both men called us each by alias names we'd made up early on but our individual functions remained unclear to them We have a description... chubby guy, dark hair and a mustache.
Every inch a military man, he was immaculately attired, with close cropped hair and a neat mustache.
He was a man with a mustache, holding a black leather briefcase.
He has silver hair and a small mustache of the same color.
Like all infantry officers he wore no mustache, so that his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was clearly seen.
His servant was also a yellow, wrinkled old man, without beard or mustache, evidently not because he was shaven but because they had never grown.
Can she describe our chubby friend with the mustache?
This air of a French Bohemian was further enchanced by a small Dali mustache.
A guy with a white mustache is complaining that he wanted a jelly donut, not a ring.
The great head itself has snakes entwined within its beard, wings above its ears, beetling brows and a heavy mustache.
He was an elderly man, with a thin, projecting nose, a high, bald forehead, and a huge grizzled mustache.
He was a tall, rather reddish white man and he had a thick mustache.
My sister wears a mustache, My brother wears a dress.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
He sported a handlebar mustache and wore leather onstage and off.
My question is not regarding the obligation to grow the beard and trim the mustache.
The thick lips under the bushy handlebar mustache tightened in an ironic smile.
The combination of his white toothbrush mustache, his Medal of Honor and his swagger stick were quite overwhelming.
There should be a merchant with a large mustache.
This guy with a big handlebar mustache just looked at me and shook his head.
During the inter-war years most knew a plump personage with a walrus mustache.
He had especially noted the distinctive Doyle rounded features, mustache and equally unmistakable gravely voice.
He is tall and slender, has dark brown hair, and wears side whiskers and mustache similar to the Emperor William.
Mind now, don't forget to put out my new coat, added Rostov, fingering his new mustache.
Milka, a black-spotted, broad-haunched bitch with prominent black eyes, got up on seeing her master, stretched her hind legs, lay down like a hare, and then suddenly jumped up and licked him right on his nose and mustache.
And while I 'm at it I think I'll cut the back lawn with a pair of mustache scissors just for fun.
I get him with a faint impression of waxed mustache - a sort of foreign person - but I ca n't get more.
Imagine a Siamese with the short legs of a Munchkin cat and a little white mustache.
Most Western images of Christ show him as a young, fair-skinned man with long brown hair and a short cropped mustache and beard.
The leaf tip works great for Santa's mustache, and the star tip is good for making realistic swirls in Santa's beard.
Upon hearing Linklater's thoughts, McConaughey grew his hair longer and grew a mustache.
Earlier this week, Sheen was snapped wearing what is described as a "disguise" that entailed a fake mustache and a hoodie.
It's important to find a good mustache and a blocky set of glasses.
In your Mii creation, you can get that Zelda look by adding a mustache, turning it blond, then raising it above your eyes.
Then separate them so half of the mustache is hanging off the side of the face.