An Irish or white potato.
Murphy? he called to a uniformed officer.
Murphy, however, doesn't see it that way.
I learned that "Murphy's Law" has a little known but very important addendum.
Melanie Brown, former Spice Girl and ex-girlfriend of Eddie Murphy, insists that Murphy is the father of her unborn child.
Since the arrest at Bond's, Fitzgerald had been in hiding, latterly at the house of one Murphy, a feather dealer, in Thomas Street, Dublin.
The earlier biographies of Garrick are by Arthur Murphy (2 vols., 1801) and by the bookseller Tom Davies (2 vols., 4th ed., 1805), the latter a work of some merit, but occasionally inaccurate and confused as to dates; and a searching if not altogether sympathetic survey of his verses is furnished by Joseph Knight's valuable Life (1894).
The girders are of the Whipple Murphy type, but with curved top booms. The bridges.
The same year, as presidential elector, Murphy gave Wilson support, and in 1916 approved his renomination.
On the 9th of June 1798 the Irish insurgents, attacking the town, were defeated by the royal troops near Arklow Bridge, and their leader, Father Michael Murphy, was killed.
Plana (1781-1846), and later Robert Murphy (1806-1843), made them the subject of their investigations on the mode in which electricity distributes itself on conductors when in equilibrium.
The marriage of John Carr to Alex Murphy took place in Las Vegas in July and was an Elvis themed wedding.
Murphy's inability to even chastise or rally the troops during the game did not reflect well on him.
You may need to use a gentle cleanser like Murphy's Oil Soap.
An American consul based in Algiers Robert Daniel Murphy was tasked with sounding out how cooperative the French army would be.
Mr Murphy leaves Dundee for Manchester, where he is to begin a crusade.
Eventually, the real culprit is found to be Roddy's dog, Murphy.
A punt seemed a formality, but the ball was snapped directly to Barry Murphy who successfully converted for a first down.
Ireland's enduring love affair with the ' pint of plain ' has proved more than a match for Murphy's marketing gurus.
Murphy made up for his earlier hesitancy with two great saves.
He exchanged harsh words and occasionally fisticuffs with fellow mouthy mavericks like Spike Lee, Oliver Stone and producer Don Murphy.
And be treated eddie murphy and tunes ready for.
The Secretary of State for Wales, Paul Murphy, urged pensioners entitled to the allowance to claim it.
Meanwhile, on January 25, dissident republican Colm Murphy was jailed for 14 years for conspiracy to commit the bombing.
Now Murphy needs a snooker, he's gone in off his safety shot.
Riley immediately dismissed him, and it was just left for Hreidarsson to receive his fix of the magic sponge before another Murphy corner.
Lloyd Murphy also shared the position of top wicket taker with Rob Wildman, they took 7 each.
Then Rommedahl's cross was half-cleared to Danny Murphy, who drilled his shot wide of the left-hand upright.
Returned to City having had a decidedly wobbly 16 month period with Cinderford Town under John Murphy.
Might resurrect political career through friendship with Paul Murphy.
Now Murphy needs a snooker, he 's gone in off his safety shot.
Then Rommedahl 's cross was half-cleared to Danny Murphy, who drilled his shot wide of the left-hand upright.
Meanwhile, gas stations like Murphy USA and Kangaroo sometimes offer specials, such as $1.00 off a purchase of two packs.
The difference between "Murphy" and "Murfee" is negligible for cats because how often exactly will a pet owner expect to see his cat's name written anywhere except on a customized feeding dish or a vet bill?
You can also create cleansers by adding other natural cleansers such as Murphy's Soap or Castile soap.
As a nifty alternative to the old sofa bed, try a modern Murphy Bed or a space-saving design from Inova.
Since I was about to take on the last name "Murphy" I had been warned extensively about the perils of "Murphy's Law" - whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
In an interview on the Dutch TV show RTL Boulevard, Eddie Murphy was questioned about Brown's pregnancy.
In response, Brown issued a statement on December 7 saying, "I am obviously upset and distressed at some of the comments made by Eddie Murphy to the media.
The same evening she learned of the news, Murphy was seen at the premiere of Dreamgirls with Tracey Edmonds, ex-wife of singer "Babyface" Edmonds.
Murphy has five children from his marriage to Nicole Mitchell.
The star-studded cast included Beyonce, Eddie Murphy, and Jamie Foxx.
Ripa made the leap to prime time television in 2003 when she was cast opposite Faith Ford (Murphy Brown) in the moderately popular show Hope and Faith.
Boomerang - In 1992, Berry took on the character of Angela Lewis, opposite Eddie Murphy.
Halle's role of Angela eventually becomes Murphy's love interest in the film.
Announced that actor Eddie Murphy was the father of her unborn child; later it was confirmed that Murphy was in fact the father of Angel Iris.
Eddie Murphy was nominated for an Oscar last year for the film Dreamgirls.
Brittany Murphy died after suffering a full cardiac arrest on Sunday, December 20, 2009.
As it is a shock to Brittany Murphy fans around the globe, it is an extraordinary shock to those that knew and loved the 32-year-old actor.
Former co-stars such as Alicia Silverstone are also expressing their heartfelt condolences to the Murphy family.
Initial reports are still coming in, but so far, what is known is that her mother found Murphy collapsed in the shower and when paramedics arrived, they could not revive her.