An unstable elementary particle in the lepton family, having similar properties to the electron but with a mass 207 times greater.
Marciano reported on the possible muon physics using the muons from a Neutrino Factory.
For example, there is a particle called the muon which is a heavier cousin of the electron.
A positive muon can, during it's short lifetime, trap an electron to form muonium.
For muon pairs the initialisation time is shorter by a factor of about 3 and the event generation rate is roughly doubled.
Currenly has the best limit on electron neutrino to muon neutrino oscillations.
Remember that the tau decays to produce two neutrinos in addition to the muon.
Other UK accelerators The worldâs leading pulsed neutron and muon source is based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.
This is achieved by combining the calorimetry information with the forward muon system and proton remnant taggers.
Electron neutrino identification and background systematics studies in the Near and Far Detectors as part of muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillation analysis.
Leptons A family of particles consisting of the electron,the muon and the tau, along with their neutrinos.