A religious scholar and teacher of sharia law.
In 1908-1909, however, fighting was renewed, the mullah and the Mijertins failing to agree.
From the mosque the procession goes to a private house, where a mullah recites the story of the martyrdom.
Here the younger boys are collected and instructed in the rudiments of reading, writing and religious creed by the village mullah, or priest, who thereby acquires an early influence over the Afghan mind.
The British outposts extended to Saighan, in the Oxus basin, and to Mullah Khan, in the plain of Seistan.
Said Mahommed, son of Mirza Daud, a chief mullah at Meshed, whose mother was the reputed daughter of Suleiman, declared himself king, and imprisoned and blinded Shah Rukh.
In 1899 troubles arose between the administration and a mullah of the Habr Suleiman Ogaden tribe, who had acquired great influence in the Dolbahanta country and had married into the Dolbahanta Ali Gheri.
This mullah, Mahommed bin Abdullah by name, had made several pilgrimages to Mecca, where he had attached himself to a sect which enjoined strict observance of the tenets of Islam and placed an interdiction on the use of the leaves of the kat plant - much sought after by the coast Arabs and Somali for their stimulating and intoxicating properties.
At first the mullah's influence was exerted for good, and he kept the tribes over whom he had control at peace.
In the autumn of 1900 the mullah was again harassing the tribes on the southern border of the British protectorate and the neighbouring Abyssinian districts.
On the 2nd of June a small force, zeribaed under Captain Malcolm McNeill, was attacked by the mullah's followers but repulsed after desperate fighting.
In December 1901 the mullah was, however, once more raiding in the neighbourhood of Burao, and in May Wars with 1902 Colonel Swayne led another expedition against the Mullah him, the Somali levies being strengthened by the 2nd Mahomme dKing's African Rifles, consisting of Yaos from Nyasa- Abdullah.
Overcoming in a remarkable manner the difficulties of operating in the dry season, Colonel Swayne harried the mullah incessantly, and followed him across the Haud into the more fertile region of Mudug in Italian territory, permission so to do being granted by Italy.
The mullah lost some 700 men and retreated to Galadi, west of Mudug, a place with ample water supplies.
It was then determined that in the further operations against the mullah the main advance should be from a base on the east coast of Italian Somaliland - the open roadstead of Obbia being chosen.
The mullah was west of this line in the neighbourhood of Galadi.
The mullah now broke away to the north, and, crossing the line of the British communication, established himself in the Nogal district.
In October 1903 a new forward movement was begun, the mullah being still in the eastern Nogal, while he had also seized the Italian seaport of Illig, north of Obbia.
The mullah and his chief adviser, a Haji Sudi, formerly an interpreter on a British warship, were not at the battle, and with his Ali Gheri followers he now fled north across the Sorl, apparently intending, if further pressed to retreat to Illig.
By May the mullah had been driven out of the British protectorate and became a refugee among the Mijertin.
For some three years the mullah remained quiescent, but in Evacuation 1908 he quarrelled with the Mijertins and in 1909 he of the was again raiding tribes in the British protector Interior.
The British government (the Asquith cabinet) came to the conclusion that another expedition against the mullah would be useless; that they must either build a railway, make roads and effectively occupy the whole of the protectorate, or else abandon the interior completely.
A notable event in the history of the protectorate was the co - operation of the Italian authorities in the campaigns against the Mullah Abdullah.
An Abyssinian expedition was, _ at Great Britain's request, sent against the mullah, but without much effect.
In the spring and Britain summer of 1901 a fresh expedition from Harrar was undertaken against the mullah, who was laying waste / the Ogaden country.
In the Indian frontier risings of 1897-98 the "mad mullah" of Swat led the attack upon the Malakand, while the Hadda mullah was largely responsible for the risings amongst the Mohmands, Afridis and Orakzais.
The leader of the risings in Somaliland in1899-1910was similarly known as the "mad mullah."
He was born about 17 9 7 and, educated by the Mullah Djemaleddin, soon took a leading part in preaching a holy war against the Russians.
But, just as Saddam has remained elusive, so have Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Umar.
The mullah also attacked tribes living in the British protectorate (see § 2).
It is not [Taliban leader] Mullah Omar, nor is it Osama Bin Laden.
In 1899 the mullah began raiding tribes friendly to the British; in August of that year he occupied Burao, 80 m.
Colonel Swayne thrice defeated the enemy, who lost 1200 men and 600 taken prisoners, and the mullah fled across the Haud, taking refuge with the Mijertin in Italian territory.
In 1904 negotiations were opened with the mullah by the Italians, and by arrangement with the sultan of Obbia and the sultan of the Mijertins the territory between Ras Aswad and Ras Bowen, which was claimed by both parties, was handed over to the mullah.
Abdullah established himself under Italian surveillance, and by an agreement dated the 5th of March 1905, peace was declared between the mullah, the Italians, British and Abyssinians, and all other Somali tribes.