An accumulation of rocks and debris carried and deposited by a glacier.
The great terminal moraine of the glacial epoch crosses the N.E.
Still, the reindeer frequents it for its lichens, and on the drier slopes of the moraine deposits there occur four species of lemming, hunted by the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus).
Their origin is attributed by some to the moraine formation of former glaciers.
The typical bottom moraine, with erratics from Finland, extends all over the country.
It is best increased by seeds, and may be cultivated with success in the moraine, and grows well in sandy loam and peat.
Swedish geologists distinguish between bottengrus (bottom gravel, bottom moraine) and ordinary krossgrus (terminal and side moraine).
Sometimes a small tarn fills up the bottom, ponded back by a moraine.
There is evidence also that glacial moraine formations from time to time may have largely affected the catchment area of these tributary streams. It would be as rash to assert that from Lake Victoria no waters could ever have issued with an eastward flow as it would be to state that 'from Chakmaktin none ever flow westwards.
Location The cave is located on the southern edge of the Vega de Aliseda, slightly to the west of the terminal moraine.
Straight ahead is the high lateral moraine of the South Annapurna glacier and the Modi follows a deep cliff to the right.
We climbed the terminal moraine which had cut off a bay from the main flow of the river.
Sea Rush near the pile of glacial moraine which guarded the second area of marsh behind.
From the road head we walked to the edge of the terminal moraine where we set up tents.
Two people can be distinguished on the path near the large moraine on the right of the picture.
Moraines Large end moraines Large end moraine associated with deposition at the margin of the Russell Glacier, a large outlet glacier in western Greenland.
The Glenelly Valley Complex occurs as a series of moraine ridges in the extreme southeast of the LCA.
Sand and gravel quarries are a significant pressure in areas with ridges of glacial moraine toward the outer margins of the vale.
These deposits are superimposed upon bedrock in the uplands, and subglacial diamict of rogen moraine morphology in the lowlands.
The moraine should not prove uncongenial to the plant itself, seeing that in nature it is not infrequent among limestone rubble on sunny slopes.
Eventually GM closed both the Janesville, Wisconsin and Moraine, Ohio plants, as well as metal stamping plants in Pennsylvania and Wyoming and a minivan plant in Georgia.
It was entirely covered with the bottom moraine of the great ice-sheet of the Glacial Epoch, resting upon Silurian sandstones and limestones.
The route follows the lateral moraine of the Khumbu glacier, picking its way through a jumble of rock.
Hence their bottoms are generally ice-worn or strewn over with moraine stuff.