In these salts X = NO 2 and M = one atomic proportion of a monovalent metal, or the equivalent quantity of a divalent metal.
If an element or radical combined with one atom of hydrogen, it was termed monovalent; if with two (or with one atom of oxygen, which is equivalent to two atoms of hydrogen) it was divalent, and so on.
Equally well we may derive it from methane by replacing a hydrogen atom by the monovalent group CH 2 CH 31 named ethyl; hence propane may be considered as " ethylmethane."
Now suppose two of the attached atoms are replaced by one atom, then this atom must have two valencies directed to the central atom; and consequently, in the same unit of time, the central atom will collide once with each of the two monovalent atoms and twice with the divalent.
Infants under 12 months of age should receive a dose of monovalent (single antigen) measles vaccine before departure.
If monovalent vaccine is not available, no specific contraindication exists to giving MMR to infants six to eleven months of age.
Infants who receive the monovalent measles vaccine or MMR before their first birthday are vulnerable to all three diseases and should be revaccinated with two doses of MMR.
This compound may be considered as derived from methane, CH 4, by replacing a hydrogen atom by the monovalent group CH 3, known as methyl; hence ethane may be named " methylmethane."
If a certain minimum charge must be collected in order to start coagulation, it will need the conjunction of 6n monovalent, or 3n divalent, to equal the effect of 2n trivalent ions.
In its chemical combinations sodium is usually monovalent; its salts are generally soluble in water, the least soluble being the metantimonate.
The monovalent iodine, for instance, is transformed by heating into an allotropic form, corresponding to the formula I, whereas ordinary iodine answers to I 2.
The chlorine is not completely precipitated by silver nitrate in nitric acid solution, the ionization apparently not proceeding to all the chlorine atoms. Thallic iodide, T11 3, is interesting on account of its isomorphism with rubidium and caesium tri-iodides, a resemblance which suggests the formula T11 (12) for the salt, in which the metal is obviously monovalent.
Thus we have salts of the following types M20(W03)n, where n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and also (M20)m(W03)n, where m, n=2, 5; 3, 7; 4, 3; 5, 12; M standing for a monovalent metal.
The series will thus possess the following general formulae M 2 CrO 4 M2Cr207 M2Cr30,0 &c. (M =one atom of a normal chromate bichromate trichromate monovalent metal.) Chromates.
They show varying permeability to a range of monovalent and divalent cations.
Most metals form carbonates (aluminium and chromium are exceptions), the alkali metals yielding both acid and normal carbonates of the types Mhco 3 and M 2 CO 3 (M = one atom of a monovalent metal); whilst bismuth, copper and magnesium appear only to form basic carbonates.