A low, mournful cry of pain, sorrow or pleasure
To complain about; to bemoan, to bewail; to mourn.
To grieve.
To distress (someone); to sadden.
To make a moan or similar sound.
To say in a moan, or with a moaning voice.
‘Please don't leave me,’ he moaned.
To complain; to grumble.
While eating dessert, they heard a muffled moan from the bed.
The moan of that wounded beast (the French army) which betrayed its calamitous condition was the sending of Lauriston to Kutuzov's camp with overtures for peace.
His warm lips left hers and started down her neck, forcing a moan from hers.
She began to moan and sunk her nails into my back until we finally flopped back in exhaustion.
The plaintive moan of reproach was drowned by the threatening and angry roar of the crowd.
At last he heard a noise off to his right, a sigh or a moan in the blackness.
When passion brought a moan to her lips, he finally lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bedroom.
A soft moan sounding nothing like her reached his ears, and then slowly, out from under the cover, emerged a huge wolf with bronze colored fur.
It was evidently not so much his sufferings that caused him to moan (he had dysentery) as his fear and grief at being left alone.
She got up quickly just as Nicholas entered, almost ran to the door which was hidden by curtains, struck her head against it, and rushed from the room with a moan either of pain or sorrow.
Suddenly the beast was heard to moan.
The awful pain he suffered made him moan incessantly and piteously, and his moaning sounded terrible in the darkness of the autumn night.
He clutched his head and gave a small moan.
In 2006 Ricci proved that she is all grown up now with her portrayal of Rae in Black Snake Moan, a role which gave her several nude scenes.
She uttered a low moan, and opened her eyes.
The trouble is that we always moan about the weather.
The prayer had come to be almost inarticulate, like the dying moan of a wounded beast in the forest.
Otherwise he'll woe the day he was created and moan whenever you talk to him.
A hair powder may extend the wearability of your style one whole extra day, so consider them a priority if you love your length but moan at the thought of frequent blowdry styling.
Halfway through the third bag, the girl let out a soft moan.
The warmth of his body and the feel of his hands brought a soft moan to her lips.
Let us pay betimes A moiety of that mass of moan to come.
Richards' first foray back into the life of a working actress came in 2006, when she played Christina Ricci's mother in the critically-acclaimed film Black Snake Moan.
I guess you have to inform them but I dread listening to Quinn bitch and moan.
Mr Allan had come into our office at Westminster to moan about the Guardian's insufficiently reverential attitude to Tony Blair once too often.
On the Pratzen Heights, where he had fallen with the flagstaff in his hand, lay Prince Andrew Bolkonski bleeding profusely and unconsciously uttering a gentle, piteous, and childlike moan.
In a ramshackle old house the wind becomes a constant, unsettling moan beyond the walls.
Mr Allan had come into our office at Westminster to moan about the Guardian 's insufficiently reverential attitude to Tony Blair once too often.
Andie fiddled with her wedding dress while she listened to me moan from warm water soothing my aching body.
With sexually charged roles in movies like Prozac Nation, Monster, and Black Snake Moan, Ricci has successfully broken the child star mold.
A final type of sleep start is a flowing sleep start where you might moan or grunt as you twitch and wake up.
If a birth is difficult and the woman feels the need to moan or make other noise, she is not forbidden to do so.
My favorite song of Steve's is "My Solitary Moan"; of mine is "Lady Snow."
Now first, as I shut the door, I was alone In the new house; and the wind Began to moan.
We moan with merriment, with purpose, with self-deprecating wit.
A similar moan of surprise and horror ran through the crowd.