To match unsuitably; to fail to match
Diseased lungs may have marked mismatch between ventilation and perfusion.
As a result, the manufacturer has a mismatch of various ensemble pieces and can no longer supply complete ongoing ensembles.
Looking at the horizon confirms movement and resolves the sensory mismatch.
But Dr. Lucas criticized the timing of the report and said a fundamental mismatch between regional transport and economic policy rendered the strategy incoherent.
They will only be effective for certain soil types, where a sufficient impedance mismatch with concrete for the wall can be achieved.
We also question the applicability of the maturity mismatch formula to firms electing to use maturity adjustments.
The main problems which affect growth of GaN on Si are those of thermal expansion mismatch, and of lattice mismatch.
Axial internal stresses due to thermal expansion mismatch and cure shrinkage were taken into account, but radial stresses were ignored.
There is also something of a mismatch between the way programmers see a cave survey, and the way cave surveyors see it.
We also question the applicability of the maturity mismatch formula to firms electing to use maturity mismatch formula to firms electing to use maturity adjustments.
Read Stress caused by thermal mismatch, to see the benefits of using compliant joints where possible.
However, in the case of a gross mismatch i think that the coaches would not conceed the contest beforehand.
Please note that there may be in some cases a slight mismatch between the end of UEA semesters and the host university's semesters.
There is an apparent mismatch of students ' initial expectations in studying for a Business Management degree and the longer term benefits.
The size at which this happens is strongly dependent upon the cooling rate and lattice mismatch of the alloy.
These trends are resulting in a severe mismatch of households to house types across large Council estates, particularly in Sunderland North.
This mismatch will, in effect, produce prismatic distortion in opposite directions for the two eyes.
The dilemma is perhaps akin to the maturity mismatch faced by economies laboring under 'original sin ' .
In the romance department, Virgo's libido is slightly less dynamic that that of Gemini, and this can lead to another mismatch of energies.