In a miserable manner
It was miserably cold in the bedroom.
It was miserably hot again.
The air was miserably hot.
Miserably poor, they subsist for the most part by selling firewood or other products of their jungle; but a few of them have patches of cultivated land, and many earn wages as day labourers to the Hindus.
Owing partly to unfavourable conditions of climate and soil, partly to the insufficiency of grazing ground, and partly to the want of selection in breeding, the general condition of the cattle is miserably poor.
Since his arrest the courage of Camille had miserably failed.
She was miserably sore - and from such a short ride.
Tender, compassionate, weak, like a human, and failing miserably to take my place.
The goat was still on her side, pawing the ground with her forelegs and bleating miserably as she strained in vain.
They are generally miserably poor, cruel and haughty.
Against the advice of all his counsellors, and without the knowledge of the estates, Rakoczy, in 1657, plunged into the troubled sea of Polish politics, in the hope of winning the Polish throne, and not only failed miserably but overwhelmed Transylvania in his own ruin.
Because I failed you ... miserably.
His ultimate test was one that could destroy him, and she was failing miserably.
The colonists did what they could to save life, but thousands perished miserably.
Fortunately for Iraq, Saddam has failed miserably in his attempts to fully subjugate the people of Iraq.
Then again, you don't get a winter of miserably pounding the tarmac through all kinds of foul weather with the triathlon.
Thus miserably fell the monarchy of the Pharaohs, after aa unexampled duration of 3000 years, or as some think far longer.
Then again, you do n't get a winter of miserably pounding the tarmac through all kinds of foul weather with the triathlon.
While some treatments may work like a charm for certain individuals, they may fail miserably for others - and vice versa.
It was miserably hot and she was exhausted.
Ed had suffered miserably for hours because she had disobeyed Alex.
In the far higher duty of cooperation he had failed miserably.
This point of view suggested numerous projects, as chimerical as they were generous; two millions sterling (50 million francs) were expended with a view to installing Parisian unemployed workmen as colonists, but this attempt failed miserably.
He was still miserably poor, but refused all offers to accept a government position.
Calder failed miserably to destroy the French, nor even inflict very serious damage on them.
The game isn't all shoot 'em up belligerence, but when you run out of missions to further the story or get tired of failing miserably at one mission for three hours, there's plenty of belligerence to go around. failed miserably in my role as a foster mom, and he nearly died because of it.
At another he actually despatched an expedition against China, which perished miserably in the Himalayan passes.
They subsisted miserably on the bounty of some natives, and partly by feeding on the seeds of a plant called nardoo.
Thus miserably perished the real founder of the Abbasid dynasty, the Sahib addaula, as he is commonly called, the Amin (trustee) of the House of the Prophet.
The shore was reached, but the vessel had been miserably shattered in its passage through the rocks.
They promised to convey the ignorant savages in their ships to the "heavenly shores" where their departed friends now dwelt, and about 40,000 were transported to Hispaniola to perish miserably in the mines.
The records of Trajan's reign are miserably deficient.
Sir Hugh himself perished miserably, but his second in command, Chancellor, reached a harbour on the White Sea, now Archangel.
According to this constitution the sovereignty resides in the nation, but suffrage is restricted to married citizens over twenty-one and unmarried citizens over twenty-five years of age, not in domestic service, who can read and write, and who are the owners of real estate, or who have capital invested in business or industry, or who receive salaries or incomes proportionate in value to such real estate as investment; and as 75% of the population is classed as illiterate, and a great majority of the labouring classes is landless, badly paid, and miserably poor, it is apparent that political sovereignty in Chile is the well-guarded possession of a small minority.
A census, miserably deficient (largely owing to free-state abstention and obstruction), was the basis of apportionment of delegates.
At last, in 1566, the queen placed the sword of state in Sidney's strong grasp. Shane was driven helplessly from point to point, and perished miserably at the hands of the MacDonnells, whom he had so often oppressed and insulted.
Though eventually this activity of the Giovane Italia supplanted that of the older societies, in practice it met with no better success; the two attempts to invade Savoy in the hope of seducing the army from its allegiance failed miserably, and only resulted in a series of barbarous sentences of death and imprisonment which made most Liberals despair of Charles Albert, while they called down much criticism on Mazzini as the organizer of raids in which he himself took no part.
He loved music himself, and justified this profane pleasure by the example of Bishop Grosseteste, who lodged his harper in the chamber next his own; but he holds up as a warning to gleemen the fate of the minstrel who sang loud while the bishop said grace, and was miserably killed by a falling stone in consequence.
However this may be - for our information at this point of the story is miserably meagre - on the 24th of August Oro Alaric and his Goths burst in by the Salarian gate on the north-east of the city, and she who was of late the mistress of the world lay at the feet of the barbarians.
It is evident that Freeman's definition of history as "past politics" is miserably inadequate.
In every part of the country many of the ministers were miserably poor; there were many stipends, even of important parishes, not exceeding £40 a year; and it was not till after many debates in the assembly and appeals to the government that an act was obtained in 1810 which made up the poorer livings to £150 a year by a grant from the public exchequer.