A crime usually punishable upon conviction by a small fine or by a short term of imprisonment. In the USA, misdemeanants usually are incarcerated in county jail for less than one year, but felons usually are incarcerated in state or federal prison for more than one year. Crimes which are punishable by large fines or by longer imprisonment are sometimes called felonies.
Search, MSN search and Google all have systems in place so that such misdemeanors can be reported.
There have been many examples of freemasons using their membership to gain preferment in their careers and avoid due punishment for their misdemeanors.
However, there are a few that still count very minor cases (in the state's eyes, not the victim's) as misdemeanors, such as situations involving less than $500.
Paris pled guilty to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to probation, community service, a fine, and ordered to complete a drug abuse program.
I have been convicted of 2 misdemeanors in my past.
The song's perky male voice details a long list of childhood misdemeanors, from pulling hair to ripping clothes to tattling on others, and because "somebody snitched on (him)" he won't be getting any gifts.